Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 7/14/2009
Very nice shot Howie,excellent hot B&W. When you come back???
zosia zija
{K:11106} 10/24/2004
lovely :)
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/4/2004
Thanks very much for the kind comment on this photograph. I think the film vs digital debate will go on for a long time in the future LOL. Personally I find digital excellent for portrait work, candid captures and in some cases landscapes. However for black and white work I prefer film. I come from a digital background and only recently (last 5-6 months) started to shoot film.
The cost to me isnt an issue. I can pick up 10 rolls of either Fuji Neopan Acros or Ilford Delta for under £20 and £10 worth of developer and fixer for the negatives will cover around 20-30 rolls of film. As I scan all my negatives in its actully very cheap.
I like the explanation of how you create the digital colour to black and white conversions. I may have to look more into it.
Thanks again
{K:892} 10/4/2004
this is a wonderful shot. i love the expression of both girls. regarding film vs digital b+w, digital is impressing me more & more. i use ps like another darkroom. for color prints, i find that when you use layers to desaturate the color, then slightly reduce the fill, you can get very rich tones. i use two or more layers of desaturation and choose selective range or erase the areas i don't want to compromise.
on layers w/lighter shades i click on hue, the darker ones remain normal, and in-between shades get their own two desaturation layers (one hue, one normal to fine tune between the two in fill or opacity). i sometimes do a 'copy merged'to limit the amount of layers). i also play with the contrast and levels until everything's fine tuned. i then do a final copy merged (erasing all layers except for orig color/background) and slightly let a bit of orig color enter. it makes it much richer. you can also play w/selective color to enrich depth of your b+w.
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 10/4/2004
i am a photoshop freak - dina@dinamariephotography.com
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/4/2004
Thanks Dina. Do you have photoshop? If you do email me and I can then send instructions on how to tone a blank layer and use the blend mode.
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 10/4/2004
your tones are great -- tell me how you used a blank layer ..?
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/3/2004
Thanks as always Amanda for the kind comment. Im in the middle of shooting my first roll of Delta so can't compare it to Neopan yet. From a recent survey I read it gave Neopan 8.5/10 and delata 10/10 so we'll see LOL. Howie
Amanda Radovic
{K:3609} 10/3/2004
I agree with you re the film - I prefer it for colour too but you can't beat the ease and convenience of digital either!!! This has a lovely range and it is really making me want to try out the fuji neopan 100 myself!!
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/3/2004
Thank you Kim for the kind comment I will check your portfolio tomorrow as its now late here.
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 10/2/2004
beautiful little girl's expression capture!
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/2/2004
Thankyou as always Pat, much appreciate your comments :)
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/2/2004
Thanks Jim, much appreciated
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/2/2004
Thanks for looking Marta and commenting on this photo much appreciated. Black and white film is excellent :)
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/2/2004
Thanks for looking Terry and commenting on this photo much appreciated
Marta Azevedo
{K:4237} 10/2/2004
I agree with you , for B&W I prefer film. Nice shot and tones
Terry Ward
{K:-926} 10/2/2004
Super shot Howie. The tones and the sharpness are great. T
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 10/2/2004
Given this image i have to agree with you ! This is a wonderful photo of these two kids. Wonderful expressions and the tone and detail are outstanding. Great work jimc
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 10/2/2004
More beautifully strong tones and a nice perspective.