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{K:6897} 9/24/2004
Great show! Was it really a dull morning? But this is a beautiful place!
Have you ever been to Brazil? Best regards, Daniel.
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 9/23/2004
JEff, don't let it become a burden, that's when the enjoyment ceases to be. You have to have FUN while taking pictures! Or take enough in a day to last you a week or so. :) :) You still have to to to physical therapy twice a week? Hope it helps. Sometimes a slow thing... Hang in there!! Lori :)
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 9/23/2004
Fabulous scene Jeff! I like the composition and colors. Regards
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 9/23/2004
Hi Maluisa!....Yes the Beginning of the Fall Colours....Soon Be Winter...Brr.H! Jeff!
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 9/22/2004
Thank you Dear Lori!...For your Pleasing Comment!
I Must say...Taking Pictures so Regularly...is tending to become a Burden!
When having to Go For Physio twice a Week! Jeff!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 9/22/2004
Well seen and captured, Jeff! Great colours! Dave.
Luisa Azzolini
{K:1555} 9/22/2004
Bella immagine, bei colori!
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 9/22/2004
Ah HA!! I just knew from the thumbnail this was your Jeff!
Don't even have to look to see the location, of course it's Calgary! Beautiful fall colors are beginning to happen.
Nice composition on this one.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 9/22/2004
Deja vu. I thought I already commented on this. Must be my imagination. Well, I still like the natural framing. I think this image has really been pumped up and it looks good this way. The city in the background reminds me of Oz, but there is no yellow brick road in sight.
Ian Sharp
{K:1762} 9/22/2004
Great shot Jeff, Those Nth American fall colors are awsome.
regards Ian Brisbane,Australia
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 9/22/2004
Beautiful Jeff... The colors are really great... Love your composition... I like very much the combination of nature and concrete.... Love golden tones... and how the water looks...
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 9/22/2004
nice image..like the colors..looks like summer is gone now :)