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Image Title:  Márcio
Favorites: 1 
 By: Carmem A. Busko  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Carmem A. Busko {Karma:48785}
Project #9 Pictures of Our Members Camera Model Olympus OM 2000 and Nikon 5700
Categories Photoart
Film Format
Portfolio Film negative
São Luis do Paraitinga
Lens Vivitar 28-210mm
Uploaded 9/22/2004 Film / Memory Type fuji superia 400
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 2291 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 59 Rating
/ 41 Ratings
Location City -  São Luis do Paraitinga
State -  SÃO PAULO
Country - Brazil   Brazil

I made this composition with two shots, one taken with my Olympus film camera, another with my Nikon. Both captures were taken with sunset lighting.

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There are 59 Comments in 1 Pages
B:)liana    {K:30945} 1/13/2005
wow. how did I miss this one wow.... excellent dear Carmem! I love the position in the corner of your photographer!!!
Great dedication too!
Kiss, Biliana


Súsi Barcelos e Lima   {K:141} 11/5/2004
Fique arrepiada com essa homenagem.
A foto está belíssima!
Um abraço,


Adelino Barreto   {K:12661} 11/2/2004
O seu portfólio é muito bom.


Murilo Rafael de Souza   {K:19577} 10/14/2004
Oi Carmem!

Antes de comentar a foto, quero agradecer sua visita aqui na ilha! Foi um prazer ter sua companhia, tanto para fotografar quanto para conversar, passear, etc. A Déjà vu também adorou sua visita e seus carinhos!

Bem... como agente havia comentado, os amigos agente pode deixar pra comentar as fotos depois, eheheheh! Afinal de contas, agente jamais esquece um grande amigo!

Então, vamos ao que interessa!
Desde que vi esta foto, ela me deixou sem fôlego! Achei ela muito linda, tanto na escolha do sépia, quanto a paisagem e principalmente pelo seu belíssimo trabalho de edição aqui que deixou a foto realmente fantástica. A primeira impressão que tive quando vi esta imagem foi que parecia uma cena de filme (de tão bem feito que ficou). Os contornos dados em volta dele fazem parecer que ele está sendo iluminado pelo sol, parece estar iluminado para o momento. Sem dúvida, esta imagem ficou mágica, e é uma das melhore fotos que você tem em seu portfólio, não só pela beleza dela em si, mas também pelo que representa!

Sem dúvida foi um belíssimo presente dado ao Márcio! E ele merece!

E esta vai pros meus favoritos!

Um super beijo pra você!

[] Murilo


João F * Photography João F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/5/2004
Olá Carmen os meus parabéns uma linda foto...


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 10/1/2004
Nice work, he must have taught you well, this is a great way to show appreciation and a cool B-day gift. Good job with toning and composing it.


Emmanuel Panagiotakis Emmanuel Panagiotakis   {K:6267} 9/30/2004
when I'm going to have so many comments Carmem ???
i know why: beautiful People and beautiful pictures always getting allot of comments
That's Why
well-done my friend


Felipe Souza   {K:1499} 9/28/2004
Como ja disse antes, bela foto ;)


Bradley Prue Bradley Prue   {K:30678} 9/28/2004
Wow.......this is just beautiful, Carmem! The composition is flawless, and the tones are so rich and warm. A wonderful tribute to your friend. Your portfolio is absolutely wonderful, Carmem! ...Brad


Fernando Diniz   {K:1236} 9/28/2004
linda a foto carmen. impressionante


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 9/27/2004
The other two versions you did also worked... loved them both.. =) Cheers!

Patrick J


Patty Morena   {K:16598} 9/27/2004
Great shot, Carmem; excellent tones and light.


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 9/27/2004
very unique and beautiful image, this your husband,or boyfriend? wonderful to be able to share photography with that special someone in your life..this is exquisite! the tone and high contrast levels..very well done!..regards,gayle (7+)


Diego Dotta   {K:3172} 9/26/2004
Apesar de não ser muito a favor dessas foto-montagens, a homenagem ficou excelente carmem... o contexto nem se fala.

Fez um ótimo trabalho Carmem!
Um abraço
Diego Dotta


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 9/26/2004
What a wonderful sunset,I like it most in BW...
The tree stands out nicely against the blurry background...and a wonderful dedication and birthday present for Marcio.
Thanks for your kind comment


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 9/26/2004
Linda intenção,excelente foto.


Sergio Leal   {K:1468} 9/26/2004
Carmen, essa é talvez uma de suas melhores fotos!!!
Me falta o adjetivo correto no momento para classificá-la, mas ficou excelente!!


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 9/25/2004
A beautiful moment !
Very well captured
Congrats and regards


José Vasconcelos Dias   {K:9341} 9/25/2004
Bonita foto. Parabéns


Walter Scarella Walter Scarella   {K:19671} 9/25/2004
Excellent composition Carmem ! Splendid light. A great effect image.


Chris Hunter Chris Hunter   {K:25634} 9/25/2004
Wow...great shot Carmem, this has a great feeling and mood to it,



Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 9/25/2004
The sunset is very beautiful in B&W.



Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 9/25/2004
Amazing esecutjon and great composition.Beautiful portrait with nice buckground.Well done.


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 9/24/2004
Wonderful photograph,I prefer the color version


Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 9/24/2004
Nice image Carmem.
Good moment,well captured.Nice tones.


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 9/23/2004
Esta iamgem está mesma demais..não sei explicar direito o que é que mais me impressiona , a iluminação está perfeita , mas o que parece é que a arvore está bem perta do Márcio e isto me chamou bastante a atenção..gostei mais da coloridíssima estondeante !!
Ai meu São Luis ,Abraços aos dois..


Alejandro Mendez   {K:2066} 9/23/2004
I really like the concept and the feeling of admiration you show with this work. The B&W version is beautifull, but I like better the Color version, becuase the colors help to blend the two shots better than B&W, specially becuase of the contrasts of the two black tones...anyway good job! :-)


bart soriano   {K:1660} 9/23/2004
Wow! What a lovely sunset shot you have here Carmen. You are very lucky to have Marcio as your mentor. This is indeed a superb composition. Fine DOF, details & the sepia tone worked well here too. 7! Thanks for your comment on my "Journey to the Unknown". Regards. -- joey


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 9/23/2004
Wonderful image and great moment!
Congrats Carmem and congrats Márcio.


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 9/23/2004
Simply Ethereal Imagery...Carmem!...Superb Composition...and Dramatic Scenic View....7/7!!!


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 9/23/2004
Just art photography,a winning image, excellent tone,superb,Saeed


Regina Rianelli   {K:24147} 9/23/2004
lovely work.... sweet Dedication!

my Best to both of You,


7+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, felicitaciones a Marcio por su cumpleaños y por tener una amiga tan magnifica como tu carmen. Gracias por tus comentarios


Lukasz Kuczkowski Lukasz Kuczkowski   {K:14687} 9/22/2004
well done; interesting shot


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 9/22/2004
Antonio, I?m honored with your words.. and I think you?ve got how I was feeling when I was working on it.. Thank you very much, my friend!


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 9/22/2004
um show de composição minha cara amiga!
e meus parabéns ao Márcio!!!


Jorg Reif   {K:16020} 9/22/2004
Wonderful, nearly looks like from an old movie where the scene is staged in front of a painted or filmed backdrop at the same time an excellent snapshot. Great contrasts on one side looking like a stage backdrop combined with subtle tonal changes on the right resulting in a vivid, lively action, here. tremendeous job Carmem. Congratulation. It is amazing what you pull out of your treasure chest. Jorg


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 9/22/2004
Very nice Carmem,
He has indeed been a good teacher for you!!
Sharp lines and soft moods, I like it!
Lori :)


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/22/2004
Dear Carmem,

a very interesting PS composing. Toning and perspective are great, although I have to admit that Marcio looks a bit artificial here (especially at the outlines) ;-)
Aside from that, great idea and execution. nice tribute =)
take care,


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 9/22/2004
excellent document for a photographer effort, I would have been proud if it was a portrait of mine in such a beatiful way


Paul's Photos Paul's Photos   {K:35235} 9/22/2004
beautiful image.. love the sky great work


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 9/22/2004
mi unisco agli auguri per marcio costa e ti faccio grandi complimenti per questa bellissima tonalita mi piace molto e la composizione dello scatto oserei definirla eccezionale..bravissima carmen..ciao e grazie tante


Marcia . Marcia .   {K:16108} 9/22/2004
Belos tons e composição. Outra linda homenagem...
Um abraço, Márcia.


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 9/22/2004
Another version.. all comments are very appreciated!


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 9/22/2004
A color version.. all comments are appreciated!


Claudio  Fett Claudio  Fett    {K:1737} 9/22/2004
Essa fusão ficou muito boa...


Saintz Saintz2   {K:11250} 9/22/2004
Ciao Carmen veramente bellissima ..
Ti ha insegnato veramente benissimo sia a scattare che a usare PS ..
I tuoi lavori sono uno + bello dell'altro ..!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/22/2004
another great moment!

my new wishes for marcio & you!


Ian Crean   {K:14866} 9/22/2004
Excellent work Carmem, and it shows wonderful respect for Márcio and gratitude which is a tribute to you too.
The result of the blending is is fabulous, and conveys a sense which photographers will appreciate, he sees the end result in making the capure which another person might not.
I remember standing in a foggy field talking a picture of a hedge when a couple rode past on bikes and I heard them saying 'why is he taking a picture of that?!!!' It became a BIP for me! This photo speaks of that feeling for me.


David McClenaghan   {K:9481} 9/22/2004
Nice work Carmem.
Very dramatic combination.


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 9/22/2004
A great tribute to your partner, together with his Birthday Card wonderful.
Hope he has a great birthday
Great composition of two in one, there is no appearance at all of it not being one shot, wonderful work


Patrick Jacobson   {K:29151} 9/22/2004
Great way to thank him!! =) Superb picture asswell. Really like it.. the tones are special here.. fantastic light asswell. Composition and framing are wonderful. Love that you added him when he?s trying to get that perfect image.

7++ =)

Patrick J


Zeev Scharf   {K:25603} 9/22/2004
Excellent capture Dear Carmem
Best regards


yury z   {K:332} 9/22/2004
fine composition!!


Linn Currie   {K:24426} 9/22/2004
AWESOME!! Not only the photography, but also the PS work.
Fabulous Carmem!


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 9/22/2004
What a wonderful way to thank Him!
My best..............JOHN


Márcio Costa   {K:2150} 9/22/2004
Obrigado querida, ficou um belo trabalho, e uma bela recordação.


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 9/22/2004
The tones are magnificent. Beautiful deep dark silhouette of the tree and Marcio. The sky is wonderfully soft and radiant. Excellent work Carmem.


Andries Kleynhans Andries Kleynhans   {K:666} 9/22/2004
A very lovely photo and composition. I love the tones.




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