Ian V
{K:1730} 12/18/2005
Really nice photo, great perspective, nice lighting, perfectly done, nice work!
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 10/8/2004
Great night shot! Very good work! greetings.
Omar Rifaat
{K:10141} 10/8/2004
A nice shot. These shots often work best when there is still some light in the sky, like you have done. I think it would be even better if there was more of the reflected light in the water. I agree with the comment above on wide angle. Forgive the repetition, but if you had a wider angle lens (eg 24mm), you could get closer and eliminate the barriers in the foreground and also get a more dramatic perpective. Omar
Susan Cropper
{K:2166} 9/17/2004
Thanks, Chris. I love this bridge; it's in my home town. If you look at my portfolio, you can see a wider view with the railings removed and several other shots as well!
trent feliksiak
{K:35} 9/17/2004
Nice. Very nice.
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 9/17/2004
Great location for some night photography, Susan. It would be interesting to see this with a wider angle to not have crop in on the bridge so much from the right. Maybe remving some of the railings/posts from the composition might strengthen the bridge's powerfulness.