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[Nuremberg by Gaslight]
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Image Title:  [Nuremberg by Gaslight]
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 By: Thilo Bayer  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Thilo Bayer  Thilo Bayer {Karma:50358}
Project #37 Night Photography Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Architecture
Film Format
Portfolio Night/Low Light
Lens Sigma 28mm/f1.8
Uploaded 9/16/2004 Film / Memory Type Hitachi 4 GByte
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 703 Shutter 1/30
Favorites Aperture f/2.0
Critiques 30 Rating
/ 10 Ratings
Location City -  Nuremberg
State -  BAVARIA
Country - Germany   Germany
About Subject Background: Night @ Nuremberg, Part 3 (you see the famous Fembo house). This shot was made during a night walk, no tripod, shot "out of the hand". I know that the lantern could be placed better and that the building on the left may be strange. But no chance to make it better in this situation. ;-)

Photoshop concept: Changed the toning, worked a bit on the lighting, small change to sharpness. The lantern was left untouched.

As always: Honest feedback highly appreciated.
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There are 30 Comments in 1 Pages
Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/26/2004
Dear Cenk,

thanks for the lenghty and elaborate comment. I'm also a great fan of Sherlock Holmes and the title actually refers to a role playing game ("Cthulhu by Gaslight") that situated around the victorian age.
will read the link carefully ;-)
I just bought a 50mm f/1.4 to make night shots "out of hand" without wide angle distortion. thanks for the hints anyway.
take care my friend,


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/20/2004
Hallo Ekkehard,

danke für deine kritik. freut mich, dass dir die aufnahme gefallen hat =)


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/20/2004
Dear Pedro,

thanks for the critics. I really struggled hard with the building on the left... next time, I will definitely try to get a better geometry =)
take care,


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 9/19/2004
quite interesting image here...fantastic mood created by the tones choosen...maybe you could give a little touch in the perspective of the infront building...
this 3 girls in first plan look like they deserved a great plan of then :-)


Lilywhite Lilith Lilywhite Lilith   {K:1809} 9/19/2004
auch wenn die aufnahmesituation nicht optimal war:
eine ganz grossartige atmosphaere vermittelt das bild allemal!
auch die tonung mag ich sehr...
viele gruesse, ekkehard


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/19/2004
Hi Ursula,

scharfmacher und mildtäter, das ist eine ausstellung über gewürze =)



dodi b.   {K:1864} 9/18/2004
Bella bella bella.Un palazzo dalle linee cadenti con le statue che troneggiano sul tetto,un lampione con effetto fine '800,le figure delle persone in primo piano sembrano animare una serata del 2000 in una città piena di storia quale è la città di Norimberga.ciao.dodi.


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/18/2004
Dear Efisio,

thanks for the feedback.
hope to see some more stuff from you soon!
take care my friend,


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/18/2004
Hi Steve,

thanks for the kind words. To be honest: Toning is much more simple than I originally thought. Pedro Liborio (kudos to him!) gave me the right hint and now it's just easy going ;-)

take care,


Efisio Mureddu Efisio Mureddu   {K:13104} 9/18/2004
Suggestive choice of tones and composition.
C U Soon


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/17/2004
Hey bro,
thanks for the kind words. keep my tripod at hand in the future, I swear! =)
nice weekend,


Carlheinz Bayer   {K:14220} 9/17/2004
Nice colors, scene, smoky street light. The tilt doesn't bother me. Very nice for a handheld. I told you, take a tripod with you ALL THE TIME!!! but you don't listen! LOL!!! Anyway, BRAVO! Have a great w/end, bro!


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 9/17/2004
Excellent photo Thilo.

Personally, I like the composition but for me your it is the toning that stands out the most. It is incredible - this is something I need to learn a lot about. So thankyou for sharing, I'm learning all the time :-)

Best wishes,


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 9/17/2004
gerade wollte ich loslegen von wegen laterne, linineverlauf und so und dann habe ich erstmal gelesen was du geschrieben hast dazu und dann kann ich mir das ja alles sparen und nur noch anerkennend zum thema "das ganze ohne stativ" nicken....;-)

wenn's nicht besser ging, ist es gut so...;-)

ein schönes wochenende wünscht



Francesca Cadeddu Concas Francesca Cadeddu Concas   {K:7443} 9/17/2004
Caro Thilo trovo questa immagine molto suggestiva: mi riporta alla mente alcuni fotogrammi (in bw) del film di F. Ford Coppola "Dracula di Braham Stoker". Se lo hai visto mi riferisco al passaggio in cui il principe Vlad incontra Mina al centro di Londra in un luogo dove il cinematografo viene presentato come l'invenzione del secolo. Scusa per la lungaggine, un saluto


Cenk KIRBAS   {K:1739} 9/17/2004
I very much liked the old Sherlock Holmes mood composition. Especially the street light is very well lit. (I loved it.)

About the walls perpective, once I read it on
( that when you do a close up with a wide angle lense, it happens. If you follow the the lesson briefly, it says there are two ways to avoid it 1)tilt-shift lenses (I bet they are expensive) 2) You can use to correct perpective under the image\transform ( I tried but the distortion is worser than I thought. I think the best way is not to do close up with wide-angle lenses. :)
I bet you already know these info but I couldn't stop my self from mentioning. :)

Keep up the good work. ;)


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 9/17/2004
"...the imagination transcends all technical perfection,and sometimes even converts a technical disadvantage into a further success".Clarence John Laughlin~photographer
The lantern rocks!..the perspective and surreal ornate building works well the tone and the mixture of old historic with modern..congrats!..regards,gayle (7+)


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 9/16/2004
Hi Thilo,wirklich irre!Sieht aus ,wie ein Bild aufgenommen vor 100 Jahren...agesehen von den Leuten. Nur das linke Haus steht etwas im Weg.;)Tolle Atmosphäre...was war denn Scharfmacher und Mildtäter?!?


Marta Pereyra   {K:5029} 9/16/2004
estange result, but very, very beatiful!!
I love it!
Congrats. Marta


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 9/16/2004
always a great work and emotion!

magnific bech and perspective.. little time sago I have posted.. "wide angle effect".. with a two subject!
a woman and "a bench"..
magnific tones and point of view!

sorry but my PC is KO.. have deleted my adress... send me


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 9/16/2004
Very impactactan for the light! It's special!
The composition is nice but the first building isn't right and look me vertigo.
Good the work in the light and the moody!


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/16/2004
Dear Jan,

thanks for the kind and elaborate words. appreciate that!
Viele gruesse ebenso =)


Magnus Beierlein Magnus Beierlein   {K:853} 9/16/2004
Fantastic night shot of one of Germany's most picturesque towns.


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/16/2004
Dear Peter,

thanks for the constructive feedback. As I've written in "about", the lantern (and the "haze") is not changed at all. weird light, I know =)
take care,


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 9/16/2004
Dear Gino,

thanks for the kind words and the feedback.
appreciate that.
take care,


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 9/16/2004
Si amico...un bel colpo.....molto suggestiva
mi piaceva già nella miniatura.....


Blazej Lindner   {K:3221} 9/16/2004
nice i like it


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 9/16/2004
Very much acceptable for me .. the inclination of building and lantern towards eachother is not disturbing at all .. only thing that perhaps distracts me are the strange patterns in the mist (?) around the lantern .. keep shooting this way ! regards, Peter


Jan Symank Jan Symank   {K:22030} 9/16/2004
Beautiful light everywhere and of course especially the well placed lantern ( for this situation without view camera :))
I also like the " haze " around this lamp.
Very beautifully captured
Viele Grüsse von


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 9/16/2004
very nice tone and composition,regards




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