Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 9/15/2004
Hi Joann - These skies you are posting are really great, such colours and formations. Margaret Thank you for your extremely kind comment on my 'grass posting', very much appreciated. I see from your bio you are also self taught in PS, as am I.
Craig Garland
{K:27077} 9/13/2004
Hi Joann; an awesome, ie very dramatic sky. I love it. I would suggest either including more of the plants in the foreground or getting rid of them completely. As is they are a very slight distraction.
Thanks for your comments on my Neat Fisherman photo. It was interesting to see that this boat tie-up technique is used elsewhere too. Cheers. Craig
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 9/13/2004
Another excellent clouds capture Joann stunning colors and composition well done Many thanks for your kind remark on my "Sky on fire" Best regards
Hasan Özer
{K:43} 9/13/2004
Not only this photo, all your sky photos are magnific !
Merete Westerdahl
{K:11079} 9/13/2004
Some beautifull sky!! Wow.. Taking about scholling down the page!!! You got some wonderfull photos of skys here. It's amazing how you can capture this expression..so strongly..and these wonderfull colours... Thank you for your sweet comment..I'm honered!!!
Best regards Merete