Czeslav Gavinkovski
{K:6800} 1/27/2005
Great idea and effect.Bravo!siema,Czechu
Craig Beckman
{K:422} 1/25/2005
this one is one of my favorites, the green tones as well as it seems to never end..
James Bambery
{K:13421} 10/24/2004
I like this Greg, it just transcends a mood of endless bleakness.
Jim Bambery
Corrie Everhart
{K:546} 10/20/2004
Nice creepy photo, makes me think of an old horror show I seen.
Sincerely; Corrie
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 10/6/2004
I like this shot and your work on it, I hhave recently been messing around with various tunnel type shots myself. Fitting title.
Miguel Torres
{K:3998} 10/3/2004
Very nice perspective here, dont forget to use the tripod
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 9/27/2004
Excellent perspective here! I love it! I took one at work and toned it in red, but this is much better! And ironically, I'm a nurse at a correctional facility so the green mile is very well known by me! Thanks for commenting on mine. I see from some of your posts you must love blue too. :)
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 9/27/2004
Great idea. Very good.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 9/22/2004
Stangely enough, you are the third person I meet for the first time on the pages of "Usefilm" via one photo, Mr. Collins. Meeting three new persons via one photo has never happened to me before. I took the opprtunity to take a look at your whole portfolio. You are, of course, invited to do the same in mine, including my bio. I saw many good photos but opted to comment on your "The green mile" despite the gloomy associations this caption arouses in anybody who knows the connotation the original green mile carries. We don't have capital punishment in Israel, but I've seen the movie... I decided to comment on it all the same because of its three dimensionality that seems to suck the onlooker in. In that respect I think it is an excellently conceived photo, well carried out. Thank you for your generous comment on my "Evening in Tel Aviv". Regards, Dr. Rafael (Rafi) Springmann
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 9/19/2004
different tone which adds to the eerie effect..personally i would crop down from the blownout spots even if they were not there...great max DOF and shadows..regards,gayle
emily savva
{K:21113} 9/16/2004
wonderfull perspective and very dynamique... love the choise of dark colours... give a more dramatic feeling to it... excellent!!!! emy
Philip Lindsay
{K:1748} 9/14/2004
Collins this was supposed to be for sea cliff and you go and use it for you self. for breaking the sanctity of the foursome you will be shot and posted in compromising positions.
by the way for others reading this Greg is a friend of mine,(nay not any more) and should appreciate the humor in it. here he is walking the green mile!
Ilya Kreines
{K:13} 9/10/2004
great effect!! very interesting composition... ilya
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 9/10/2004
Oh jeez - I would be too scared to walk down that long passage! Great effect Greg - spooky though. Linn
{K:30983} 9/10/2004
Hi Greg, thanks for your comment. I am going around your portfolio. For me is very interesting. This is a original subject well realized!
Paola LL
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 9/10/2004
Strong impact in this original composition. Cheers.
Mark Tate
{K:1151} 9/10/2004
stunning effect, I like dark green colours, here it's a great monochrome