Magnus Beierlein
{K:853} 9/23/2004
Fantastic Image especially the way you placed the kids heads.
Diego Ruggiero
{K:10659} 9/20/2004
really nice, it seems that your children are really in the scene. Cool!
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 9/14/2004
Excellent...well captured...great eye.... Clifton...
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 9/10/2004
Dear John, on the thumb I thought that you made a rework on the colors ;-) just in full-size view I can see what you really made. great idea to create a contrast between the young, colorful boys and the desatured, duplex colors of the old photo. great idea and realization. they seem to be part of the picture. good work! take care, thilo
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 9/9/2004
Great Photograph....John!...and Very Apply Titled! Wonder Picture of Times Gone By!....Enhanced By your Two Sons...What a Proud Father you Are...7/7!!! Jeff.
Charlotte Shockey
{K:2146} 9/9/2004
great image!!!
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 9/9/2004
Thanks so much for Your great comment Lewis! A very kind and thoughtful one!! My best to You!............JOHN
{K:819} 9/9/2004
Simply superb John!
I like the twist of the young (children) looking (back) at the old/busy entertainment scene. Usually the color against faded and/or sepia appears to be yet another '90's/'2000s photoshop cliche. But here it is neither (not Photoshop nor a cliche') but the full color (kids) against speia (old scene) works perfectly to underline the theme of the photo, so instead of a gimmick it becomes well doen if not "awe inspiring". Good work!!! I rarely (if ever) say this, but "I salute you (sign of respect), wish it (the shot) were mine" ;-)
Ken Tinley
{K:1856} 9/9/2004
HAHA! great idea, loving it!
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 9/9/2004
Your "Looking back" might as well have been a Henri. It has all the ingredients. You two children in the foreground in focus and the multitude going on with their business in the background. I applaud the way you left your children in natural colors while the rest of the photo is inn sepia. I don't think I could have achieved this. It must be good p.s. work. Thank yo, Jeff, for your understanding and comprehensive comment on my "Pretty cashier". Regards, Rafi
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 9/9/2004
another brilliant work John, such great imagination you and your children have!
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 9/8/2004
Thanks My Friend! Your comments are Great! My best..............JOHN
{K:42404} 9/8/2004
7++++++++++++++ nothing more to say. congrats
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 9/8/2004
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 9/8/2004
Excellent work John! I love this shot... looks a montage. Greetings.
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 9/8/2004
Excellent, John - the way you've composed this is inspired. Good eye!
Jim Gamble
{K:12164} 9/8/2004
Excellent shot John. I like how this combines the old and the new. Jim Gamble
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 9/8/2004
Very nice idea, John! Excellent shot, my friend! Kind regards, Chris
José Azevedo
{K:9845} 9/8/2004
Hi John!
Watching the thumbnail at the "Friend's Images" I could tell this one was from you! Looks like time travel, excellent! One more reminder of your great vision. Well done again, my friend.
José Azevedo
Regina Rianelli
{K:24147} 9/8/2004
WOW....... what a beautiful shot, so inspiring!!!
Congratulations on the perfect photo and on such a great Family!
many Blessings, Regina
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 9/8/2004
Awesome shot! At first glance I thought you'd colored the kids in the back and the rest was sepia! Excellent image!
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 9/8/2004
Great idea. now into the past. Off on vacation day after tomorrow so will try and post a bit and check in from the road. jimc
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 9/8/2004
Excellent, John! Nothing to comment, well done! Cheers! Carmem
John Loreaux
{K:86210} 9/8/2004
Thanks Lee! Your comments are very appreciated My Friend! And inspiring also! My best always Lee!....JOHN
Lee Harris
{K:14694} 9/8/2004
Well done John.... This is a classic, a power in this image representing the title...looking back. I like this much. Lee 7
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 9/8/2004
John, what a great idea. It looks like they were right there looking on. Don.
Renata Lepage
{K:-3321} 9/8/2004
Really expressive. I loved your photografic eye.
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 9/8/2004
very nicely done, John. Great idea and image. K