Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 9/13/2004
hi Beverly, Thanks for your interest. I strive constantly to improve. your enthusiasm helps a lot
Beverly Gustafson
{K:1572} 9/13/2004
Stunning. The quality of light is incredible. I've been looking at your web site, you are a truely gifted artist and photographer.
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 9/5/2004
stunning shot Tim; lovely green and composition I like it
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 9/4/2004
Very intimate atmosphere you show here .. great colours ! regards, Peter
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 9/4/2004
Great shot, as ever, Tim!
Best regards, Chris
P.S. I'm getting there ~ just 13 to go!
{K:3054} 9/4/2004
Dramatic and beautiful shot!
Adelino Barreto
{K:12661} 9/4/2004
Very good,Tim! My best regards.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 9/4/2004
Beautiful lighting. Amazing image. You always amaze me. :)
Mary Sue Hayward
{K:17558} 9/4/2004
As always, your images are dramatic and beautiful. You have a way of capturing late light that shows a scene as you would want it to always look. I can't wait to try some wide angle landscapes to see if I can get this kind of sharpness.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 9/4/2004
Beautiful composition, an interesting green algae leading us into this picture, then the highlighted tufts of grass carry us all the way around, beautiful setting. Alison