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Image Title:  Tired
Favorites: 0 
 By: Todd Huffman  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Todd Huffman {Karma:165}
Project N/A Camera Model Nikon F90x / N90s
Categories Journalism
At Work
Film Format
Portfolio Lens Tokina 80-200 f2.8 AT-X Pro
Uploaded 9/4/2004 Film / Memory Type Kodack Tri-X
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 347 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 7 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  NC
State -  MARION
Country - United States   United States
About Had to crop a little tight to avoid extra things sticking into frame
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There are 7 Comments in 1 Pages
AboutPicture     {K:519} 7/12/2006
good shot


Peter Patershuk   {K:47} 2/9/2005
Thanks Todd, Your knowledge is greatly appreciated.


Todd Huffman   {K:165} 2/8/2005
Thanks for your comments Peter. I haven't used a Tokina with the Digital Rebel, but I did use the Sigma HSM 70-200 with one, and it was excellent. For build quality alone, I would go with the Tokina, although to be honest I have never used the Canon lens you mentioned. The Tokina lens that I use is an older version, with no manual/auto switch, therefore the only way to go to manual is the switch on the body. I have used the new Tokina AT-X Pro 80-200 however, and I would recommend it above all others in it's class. Tough, durable, sharp, etc. It's all there. AS far as soft images go, I think it's as good as the 3rd party lenses get, but not on par with a $1500 Nikkor, for example. How often will you use it wide open, and for what use? I am completely satisfied with my Tokinas, and I own all 3 (20-35, 28-80, and 80-200). Good Luck and Good Shooting.


Peter Patershuk   {K:47} 2/8/2005
Hi Todd, Excellent picture B+W does it justice
I am considering the Tokina 80-200 2.8 ATX Pro lens and will probably
buy it from Adorama or B&H. This lens seems to be sold out alot so someone
likes them. Not many people give opinions about them but you seem to like
them alot.
The other lenses I am considering is the Canon 70-200 f4 and is about
$60.00 less than the Tokina also less weight and mass. Then there is the
Sigma 70-200 2.8 HSM EX which is $100.00 more than the Tokina and is just a
few ounces lighter.
I am a serious amateur and don't need the very best. What I want is
quality images, decent focus speed and durability and the ability to get the
images in numerous situations. I am presuming that a flagship lens like the
Tokina 80-200 should accomplish this.
Is the focus speed of the Tokina close to the other two or is it slower
and is it significant compared to the other two lenses.
Also some people say the lens is soft at 2.8 others not. Could this be
older lenses or operator error because of shallow depth of field.
In photo zone they score this lens 3.4 and in another area 4.1. Where
would you score this lens.
Does the Tokina have Full Time Manual focus. I read some where that in
order to use the FTM focus that you still had to use the small hard reach
focus switch in conjunction with the FTM focus ring, this seems implausible,
please put me straight.
There seems to be alot of lens snobbery out there and if you don't ask
the questions people want there is no answers.
This is a long winded set of questions but I need help. I shot a Pentax
K1000 with a 50 mm lens for 23 years and with this Canon Rebel Digital I
need faster and sharper lenses than that kit lens provides. Thanks again


Ethan Lewis   {K:1536} 10/27/2004
This is probably my favorite of your portfolio at the moment. The tones and posture of the subject are very striking. Excellent work.


Brian Rueger Brian Rueger   {K:7341} 9/6/2004
Good shot.


John Loreaux John Loreaux   {K:86210} 9/4/2004
very well done this pic reaches out to the soul in a matter of seconds God bless our fire fighters! my best John




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