Ann Texter
{K:10064} 5/20/2005
Very nice! Love the DOF. I work on the 13th floor of my office building, can be kinda spooky at times. :) Ann
Viktor Pravdica
{K:4907} 1/24/2005
zosia zija
{K:11106} 9/13/2004
{K:3054} 9/2/2004
Beautiful shot!nice toning!
Paolo Grusovin
{K:3344} 9/2/2004
Hi Robbie, I've used an Epson perfection 3200
k k
{K:530} 9/2/2004
Interesting shot. What can it be??
J Dillon
{K:1426} 9/2/2004
crisp and clean, beautiful. excellent work. how do you scan your photos? do you have them drum scanned at a lab or scan them yourself?
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 9/2/2004
Hi Paolo,
pretty strong for me, great DOF, up to the point.
13 is somehow a bad omen, you know hotels never have a floor 13...
the view counter shows also 13 right now, yep, it is a good sign for me today ;)
Cheers, Verena
Paolo Grusovin
{K:3344} 9/2/2004
E' la prima volta che la provo, in questa foto e nella precedente l'ho usata senza filtri (necessari per ottenere un deciso effetto infrarosso) Per il 120 la trovi su fotomatica.
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 9/2/2004
Cool. Nice tonal range. Jeanette
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 9/2/2004
Ciao Paolo, eccellente la resa tonale ! Com'è questa pellicola? L'ho cercata tante volte ma l'ho trovata solo su 35mm :-(