A. Lien
{K:153} 5/11/2005
Have they heard anything from my family? I've been expecting a message. A.Lien
Mark Sherman
{K:15669} 12/22/2004
I love the fact that all three of them are "looking" in three different directions, gives it a Looney Tunes sense of humor, "which way did he go" feel. Also a sense of family too, with a big, medium and baby. even go far as to say, a sense of loneliness, lost travelers looking for others, The sky and lack of buildings around them lends to that feeling.
Adelino Barreto
{K:12661} 11/27/2004
Concordo inteiramente! Mas não se vai facilmente a S. Miguel e menos ao Corvo, nos Açores. Obrigado pelo comentario. Um abraço. Adelino
Adilson Rodrigues
{K:1178} 11/26/2004
Adelino, Bela captura conseguiu aqui. O enquadramento (regra do 1/3) ficou excelente para esta imagem. Dois comentários construtivos: 1) há uma "sombra" no canto esquerdo que chama a atenção 2) esta imagem com céu azul e polarizador resultará em um constraste de cores que, tenho certeza, valerá seu retorno ao local (o mesmo se aplica a foto dos moinhos... outra imagem que gostei muito) Parabéns.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 11/12/2004
Hi Adelino, There's quite some conciderable JPEG compression errors in the sky, but I do like the composition and the subject alot. In essence a good capture, but the quality does need a lot of work. Probably also a scanning thing...
Dusan Zutinic
{K:2847} 10/29/2004
I like it... GHreets from Serbia
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 10/24/2004
You have choosen your title very well with this picture Adelino! Good composition to! greetings, Diana.
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 10/18/2004
Very well composed, with good colors and details.
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 10/12/2004
Now that we've met, allow me to suggest that we switch to first names. I'm Rafi ands unless you object I'll refer tou you as Adelino. Your "loking at the sky" gives outstanding exporession to man's longing to what he can't see directly, perhaps even to his longing to hear somrthing from afar. Thank you for your very friendly comment on my "Evening in Tel Aviv" and on my portfolio in general. Salodos and Shalom, Rafi Raf
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 10/6/2004
Very well composed, with good colors and details.
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 9/4/2004
Nice shot Adelino, interesting the subject however I think the scunner you was use wasn't so ''strong'' and the image lost some quality at the sky.
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 9/4/2004
Original shot,I like the title it goes perfectly with the subject,well seen and done,Saeed
Kim kyungsang
{K:14135} 9/4/2004
The photograph compression plentifully appears. Well expression.
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 9/3/2004
Excellent capture,And also lovely framed Adelino Thanks for sharing. Regards from the netherlands....Riny.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 8/31/2004
Great composition Adelino, I wish I had a satellite television dish as big as that one - but my neighbours would complain a lot :-)
Wonderful photo and many thanks also for your kind comments :-)
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 8/28/2004
Great composition! Greetings.
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 8/28/2004
Adelino.. vejo problemas de compressão.. e scaning... é uma pena, pois está muito bem composta. Um abraço! Carmem
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 8/28/2004
Nice shot Adelino well framed
Best regards