City - Towada State - TOHOKU PREFECTURE Country - Japan
FACTS: Lake Towada/Oirase : Towadako town, Aomori Pref. Towada-Hachimantai Nat. Park
"Lake Towada has only a stream, the Oirase river, which flows out at Nenokuchi east coast of the lake, runs north and flows into the Pacific. The river basin 14 km long, from Nenokuchi to Yakiyama where the Tsuta river joins, is called Oirase Torrent, and is designated as National special place of scenic beauty, natural monument. Along the stream roadside the mixed forest composed of beeches, Japanese oaks, katsuras and maples etc. is making the color tunnel. The fern families are particularly rich. The best time to see the colorful scene is from the middle to late in October."
Have you ever had those days that you just want to get away from society, humanity, and everyday routine, so you just get into the car and Well this was one of those days for me. My son and I drove to Towada lake about 1.5 hours away from where we live. It was a facinating day.