Glenn Edmiston
{K:7366} 8/27/2004
Just a wonderful shot Andrei Cheers glenn
Glenn Edmiston
{K:7366} 8/27/2004
great shot Andrei
Elena Zabelina
{K:23212} 8/24/2004
Wow! So beautiful...Kak horosho, Andrjusha. Do chego chudnoe mesto. Zamechatel'no snyato. No ya by chut' srezala snizu, tam uzhe nikakoi infomacii net, tol'ko otvlekaet vnimanie. Ya zabezhala segodnya na minutochku na site, tol'ko vernulas' iz Arizonu. Vremeni net katostroficheski...sorry, budu starat'sya hot' inogda k tebe zaglyadyvat'. Lena
Kees and Carolyn
{K:15193} 8/23/2004
Beautiful pond and reflections! Wonderful detail! Carolyn
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 8/20/2004
Fabulous photo Andrei, this looks a super pond for me to go fishing :-)
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 8/20/2004
Excellent landscape shot with a great DOF!!! Sweet coloras and light! Greetings.