Sam Andre
{K:12484} 8/8/2004
Very beatiful detail of the ballustrade. Nice composition.
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 8/5/2004
I wish! :-)) This was shot at a local country lodge - very very beautiful set-up. That was also where I shot my recent (first) sun-set :-) Linn
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 8/5/2004
:-)) Yes, definitely not a flower-against-black-velvet-Linn-Currie image :-) I was having a coffee break at this beautiful country lodge and realised how awesome the blue water of the pool looked through the stark cast iron ballustrade. There is such a lot of "stuff" in the way and apart from sitting on the floor and having people stare at me (I'm getting quite used to that too!) this was about the best angle I could get. I also would have liked to only have the blue water and not the paving around the pool - but this was the best I could come up with at the time. No hidden meaning in this image Chris :-) ... but if I want to be a Miss Smarty Pants I could say that maybe it is my artistic freedom being held back (due to the lack of owning a D70 maybe? ) and longing to be set free in the "pool" of photography? I hope Rafi doesn't read this! Linn
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 8/4/2004
Hmmm, very un-you, Linn! I'm sure there's some deep ideological message in here somewhere, but I haven't quite fathomed it out yet! Interesting? Best regards, Chris
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 8/4/2004
I love the colors and the textures. I am looking for your flower taking setup in the background ;-) jimc
Justine Worth
{K:831} 8/4/2004
I love then angle and the way you've captured the light hitting the ironwork so that the different colours are visible. Very good contrasting between light and shadow. Justine
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 8/4/2004
Great detail, the pool makes and excellent color for the background. Nice design. Don.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 8/4/2004
so beautiful colors Linn, I just love this vision of yours. P.S. thanks for your words and to make me comments you could write what you want...just a simple "I like it" if it that that you feel in the moment!!!....for me it is good...photos to me are emotions...I also don?t know muck about tecniq stuff...for me the important are our eyes...and what they see and show to others...not the tecqnic. Regards and sorry for my english.
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 8/4/2004
excellent spot,very creative element against the blue.Superb.Saeed
Maria Luisa Vial
{K:36017} 8/4/2004
Great Linn... I love the color of the background. Very well composed...
{K:16125} 8/4/2004
Linn this is different for sure with great color it might have been cool if you could get the entire background that beautiful blue. I like the way the iron work stands out in blue...