deniz kaan copur
{K:12726} 12/30/2004
interesting. --: ).
Kym Skiles
{K:1520} 8/14/2004
See that? I DID outdork you *sigh*. I think I want to meet your friend that was in Europe with a Holga when I was. We could have photographed each other.
Kym Skiles
{K:1520} 8/14/2004
Michelle, yes I did see your note on pseen (thanks much). And I bet I can outdork you any day :P
michelle k.
{K:16270} 8/14/2004
hi kym thanks! you are the holga queen. did you get my message on pseen? i'm such a dork.
this particular series of yours is *highly* a favorite of mine... seems like a dream.....
Kym Skiles
{K:1520} 8/3/2004
Luckily I have access to a colour and a black and white darkroom at the community college about a mile from me (I work there one night a week as a student assistant during the school year) and the darkrooms at Texas Woman's University, where I'm getting a degree in photography. That darkroom is an hour away though :).
I love doing pinholes with my homemade boxes but I decided to modify one of my Holga's for pinhole usuage because I get tired of loading and unloading cut film or paper negs in the field with a changing bag and sealed boxes to keep them in.
You can buy a premade Pinholga on the web but if you have a Holga already that you are willing to mod, let me know and I'll send you some helpful links and let you know my own tips. It's just a little time consuming but easy and fun to do it yourself. :)
Petros Pavlopoulos
{K:366} 8/3/2004
This is an absolutely powerful image. It has a strange religiousness and mysticism.
Stephan Houde
{K:1157} 8/3/2004
Hi Kym! Very nice image, the colors are wonderful,the shadows and texture in you skirt are really beautiful. I like the skin tones, the come out nice for me for this type of image, just the hands that are a little weird, but I like the image a lot ! (BTW, you have a very good 'Melancholytron' eye, its a nice plug-in,I use it from time to time;-) Regards, Stephan
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 8/3/2004
wow- interesting, appealing... going to look at the rest of the series now...
Aurore Lynch
{K:1687} 8/3/2004
Well, stupid me. I must have seen your mention of a pinholga, but somehow i only got the pinhole part in my mind. So I suppose that makes it easier, but can imagine that it's still not exact (any more so than a standard holga, lol). I do use sheet film for my pinhole, but I haven't used it in awhile because i don't have space in my new house for the darkroom : ( I suppose I should see about having it processed in a lab; they'd probably have something for me to transport it to them in, and I have a changing bag somewhere...
I tried to make my pinhole very useful, in that it can be opened or closed to change the focal length and effective aperture. Think of a box made of two equal sides, one fitting into the other. Fully closed, it's wide angle, fully extended, it's more 'normal', but with longer ss. I meant to figure out the frame somehow and construct a viewfinder, but never got around to it. Though a sheet of wax paper and a dark blanket can be used too...
Perhaps in light of circumstances I should look into getting a pinholga myself...
Kym Skiles
{K:1520} 8/3/2004
Thanks for the comments Aurore. I may play with the skintone colours again and get something that looks more crossprocessed (good idea).
While it's far from exact, I use the PinHolga's viewfinder to help with the composition, it's off a little bit but gives me a general idea of the finished image. My other pinholes (made out of hatboxes, oatmeal cannisters etc.) are much more "point it in that direction and hope for the best".
Such is the beauty of modifying a Holga for pinhole work. That and being able to use a roll film instead of paper negs or cut film.
Aurore Lynch
{K:1687} 8/3/2004
Very cool. The colors are great, I thought it was cross processed looking at the thumbnail. Although I don't like the skin tone of her chest/neck/face... it looks too realistic and clashes with the other more painterly colors. Very nice composition for a pinhole. Do you have some way of previewing the image first? My pinhole is a box made of black matte board, I can't imagine trying to figure out the frame lines.