Larry Hammond
{K:16631} 8/12/2004
Beautiful shot, is intriguing. Love the different colors etc.
Chris Hunter
{K:25634} 8/2/2004
An interesting combination of natural colors in the turquoise blues and deep reds,
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 8/2/2004
Its a whole new world up there. its like going back in time. These photos are so kewl. To me this one is just about time, Time, Time. jimc
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 8/1/2004
Hi John, This is true but as always in life we don' see the whole picture. this ice comes from and old Hanging glacier from 1000's of feet above which drops it's seracs into the lake with a huge CRACK BANG. then again I don't really know how old it is. But I like to think of it as older then we are wise. Oh one other thing the ice melts from the top down so the layers you are seeing have been compressed under hundreds of feet of thick Glacier. this is all that is left after thousands of years of being here. Abet there is some surface snow that is only one year old on top.
John Bohner
{K:8368} 8/1/2004
Tim - I hate to wear my logical cap but I don't think you got old ice there. Like the others I am drawn to the blue ice edge and not the murky stuff in the foreground. Looking at your last detail post we see marvelous layers of dirt/rock in the ice. No doubt they form each summer much like tree rings. If so then I see about 28 year old ice. Just perfect for a 24 year old scotch!
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 8/1/2004
hehe... and never mind the 20,000 year old Mastodon urine. But then I hear that Urea is a common used chemical in the doctor trade. Hmm getting into the strange side of my mind.
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 8/1/2004
Beautiful shot! I'm afraid I'd have to pass on tasting the water or ice..At least I know with that little bit of chlorine included, at least SOME of the germs are killed.. lol Who knows what types of critters may have died up there in the cold and rotted, leaving only mutant germs who have overcome the cold and have now become SUPERGERMS.. ohh...AM I getting carried away? Maybe I've been a nurse TOO long :)
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 8/1/2004
Very beautiful color tones from slight green to turqoise and graeat composition Jan
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 8/1/2004
ha-ha Chris, I see what you mean with all the dirt in the water but hey doesn't the concept of something that old boggle your mind....just a little. It's got no pollution ... maybe it tastes quite different without chlorine which I'm sure our palettes have become accustomed to accept as the norm these days.
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 8/1/2004
Doesn't look very appetising to me , Tim!! Nice shot though. A real sense of depth. Kind regards, Chris
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 8/1/2004
here is another very close view of just the edge. if you want i can email the full size to you. you can contact me through my web site. www.timschumm.com

karen clarke
{K:18893} 8/1/2004
Love the rippley lines- and that is such a beautiful shade of blue. Maybe next time you go out, you can get a shot that just includes the blue edge. I just love nature's designs. Thank you for posting it.
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 8/1/2004
Hi karen, here is a cropped and zoomed in portion of "the edge"...sounds like a movie...LOL

karen clarke
{K:18893} 8/1/2004
Yes I would love some-maybe it can help with the Florida heat. :) That aside, I really like the blue tones on the edging-it seems to have a beautiful design-would like to see a close up of it. Love the mix of grays in the snow. Cool shot~