Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 1/26/2005
hi mr. m,
thanks a lot =)
Mr. M ...
{K:5507} 1/24/2005
(looking at your portfolio...)
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 10/28/2004
Hi Fokstrot,
thanks again for the support.
I posted an alternative to this view yesterday ;-)
Take care, Thilo
fokstrot .
{K:6560} 10/25/2004
Very good capture! Fantastic composition. Picture has really great mood. Well done!
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 10/19/2004
Dear Matthew,
thanks a lot for the critics.
take care, Thilo
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 10/19/2004
Dear Israel,
thanks a lot for the kind words.
take care, Thilo
Matt Lefank
{K:923} 10/13/2004
I was thinking about taking a picture like this in my hometown. You've captured the image that I had in mind perfectly.
Israel Díaz
{K:11} 10/13/2004
Very great image...I love the blurry images...are my favorites...a big hug...congrats...
Keep Walking
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 8/23/2004
Dear Cindi,
thanks for the kind & useful tipps. appreciate your support! take care, thilo
Cindi Czaja
{K:5314} 8/23/2004
Thilo awesome shot - it's very strong and definitely deserving of BIP - movement, lines, strong graphics - right on! Kind Regards, Cindi
Mohamed Aboelkhier
{K:129} 8/2/2004
nice i like it very much, the comp. the way it's muddy, it's a great shot
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 8/2/2004
Hallo Michael,
ja, dann drücke ich mal die daumen für das studium =)
grüße, Thilo
Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 8/2/2004
was soll ich sagen: this kicks ass...;-))
ansonsten schnell den stauneschweigemantel für mich....
vg, uwe
Hermen Pen
{K:9168} 8/1/2004
Great motion effect... The shaking blur that you mention is not disturbing at all for me.
Michael de Wijn
{K:1648} 8/1/2004
Tolles Bild! Wir haben schon von Times Square gesprochen, man kann ja dort fantastischen Bilder machen.
BTW. Ich bewerbe mich jetzt Architektur im Deutschland zu studieren. Ich bin sehr aufgeregt!
MfG Michael
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 8/1/2004
Hi Thilo, excellent reload,very dynamic i like it very much regards Baki
Fadel J
{K:13974} 8/1/2004
Very strong image Thilo! I like both images very much!
al shaikh
{K:15790} 7/31/2004
Nicely done.
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 7/31/2004
my best wish Thilo! C__o__n__g__ r__ a __ t__ u__ l__ a__ t__ i__ o__ n__ s __ !
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 7/31/2004
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 7/31/2004
Gratulation zum BIP!!
Starkes Bild, deshalb absolut verdient, selbst Elvis kann nur begeistert sein!!
lg Verena
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 7/31/2004
Dear Gayle,
compliment goes straight back to you. it's a pleasure to comment on your pictures ;-)
Take care, Thilo
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 7/31/2004
Those lips...yum!..(The king ;> )...still love the toning and contrast..and this one has the added bus motion blur which deserves the BIP,so congrats for a job well done,Thilo..regards,gayle (Thanks for taking the time to comment on my images..nice to have the support)
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 7/31/2004
Hi Neil,
danke für die vielen superlative ;-) ich werd schon rot.
ebenso nice weekend, Thilo
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 7/31/2004
Hi Ursula,
danke für die Blumen. erwartet habe ich das trotzdem nicht. ;-)
Lg, Thilo
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 7/31/2004
Excellent and congrats for the BIP award. Greetings.
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 7/31/2004
Hi Thilo, super gemacht. Well deserving of your award! This photo has everything, movement, action, interest and 200 other superlatives. My compliments. Schönes Wochenende Neil
Ursula Luschnig
{K:21723} 7/31/2004
Hi Thilo,gratuliere zu diesem Bild...einfach fantastisch.....und zu BIP.(wie nicht anders zu erwarten...;=) ) Grüsse,Ursula
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 7/31/2004
Oh my! Congrats on joining the BIP club, Thilo! This is a great shot!
I had my own 'smoky moment' on 7th Avenue: http://www.usefilm.com/image/325440.html
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 7/30/2004
Loving the blur Thilo! Nice work once again. This one has a teasing way about it.
{K:120} 7/30/2004
"Gone With the Wind"; VIP of the BIP... Congrats... (7+)
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 7/30/2004
....so wars jetzt nicht gemeint, du brauchst dir nicht mehr Mühe zu geben :)) vielen Dank nochmal für alle deine Anmerkungen, ok? Gruß, Pia :)
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 7/30/2004
Hi Jim,
thanks for the encouraging words. Hope to find some new stuff for the project ;-)
Best wishes, Thilo
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 7/30/2004
Dear Hugo,
your wish comes true ;-)
Thank you very much for the warm words. Indeed, the first one is better because it's just more original than the second. I'm not a friend of several images in a row with the same subject. But this time, I couldn't resist because of the strong blur.
Take care, Thilo
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 7/30/2004
Dear Roby,
thank you so much for your kind words. Keeps me motivated =)
Take care, Thilo.
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 7/30/2004
Hi Pia,
da muss ich einfach einen glücksengel dabei gehabt haben ;-) mein bruder lebt ja dort, aber er meinte, dass er seit ewigen zeiten nicht solche licht- und rahmenbedingungen hatte, wie wir in der nacht damals.
was die kritik angeht: nun ja, es ist sehr schwierig, bei minimalkompositionen was negatives zu finden. ich könnte ja höchstens sagen, da ist mir zu wenig los =) Editor's choice UND PID sprechen halt ne klare Sprache. Aber ich werde mir künftig mehr Mühe bei Deinen Bildern geben, versprochen =)
Ebenso schönes Wochenende, Thilo
Jim Gamble
{K:12164} 7/30/2004
Congrats on the BIP. Dont stop submitting to this project, you do it so well. Jim Gamble
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/30/2004
No way! It did get BIP-ed! Congratulations!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/30/2004
Hi Thilo, Yeah, I remember that one very well.... Fantastic shot. Comparing is always difficult, but taking the risk of being tedious again, I think this one is (only slightly) less impressive than the one you refer to, but I think it's stronger than the previous one you posed. Not much to nitpick about. Very dynamic shot, and very well toned. I do like this one alot, and I wouldn't be surprised it this one got BIP-ed too....
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 7/30/2004
Look @ you! Congrats!!! Like it! C.
Murilo Rafael de Souza
{K:19577} 7/30/2004
Yes, congratulations for the BIP! Its a very good work and nice photo! 7! Regards Thilo!
[] Murilo
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 7/30/2004
really good shot, with impact congr
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 7/30/2004
BIP! BIP! BIP! BIP! BIP! BIP! BIP! Congrats! Carmem
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 7/30/2004
Terrific work, Thilo! Congrats on the well deserved honors! This is a niche that you carry very well. Love it. ..Brad
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/30/2004
ehi you... I cannot leave you single and what arranges... a BIP! you are great and with one well... fantastic photo that memory!
cheers roby
{K:16125} 7/30/2004
Thilo...this is perfect congrats congrats congrats.... beautifully done...love the BW..
daíven rizz
{K:650} 7/30/2004
well exposed for Thilo and the blur is most effective great work (7)
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 7/30/2004
Hallo Thilo, guter Motion-effect, hast du ja Glück gehabt mit dem Bus :) Ich wünschte ich hätte bei meinem letzten NY-Besuch auch so gute Bilder hinbekommen.
P.S. danke für deine nette Anmerkungen, aber bitte übertreib nicht so :)) Contra u. Kritik sind auch immer willkommen, ok?
Schönes Wochenende, *Pia*