Peter Carucci
{K:1672} 8/28/2004
Beautiful shot of this old warbird in flight! It's great to see these restored to flying condition again. We have similar air shows where I live, one coming up again next weekend. I plan on being there to photograph them again
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 8/9/2004
Not here at this show, I was loking for the airborn stuff and there where so many people you couldn't get close. I got some B 29 closeups from the last show though, Gunnery positions, up into the landing gear wells , nose etc
Phil Curwen
{K:310} 8/9/2004
Hi, great shot! You are correct us plane nuts do appreciate these shots..Did you get any close ups of the B17? Phil
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 7/27/2004
Would you like a file big enough to make a print ? just email me. My address in on my main page. jim
Jim Gamble
{K:12164} 7/27/2004
A B17, my dad would love this, he and I both are WWII buffs. He took part in the Berlin airlift, as an air trafic controller and received a commendation for averting a mid-air collosion between two B17s, makes me proud to be his son. Jim Gamble
{K:16125} 7/26/2004
This looks like a model airplane..very cool.... looks like you had a blast.... looks like ya had a fun day despite the tire thing..lol...
Lukasz Kuczkowski
{K:14687} 7/26/2004
I think it was worthy Jim, I really love this shot; it is so majestic;
well done
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/26/2004
Sorry to hear about the sand problems, Jim, but you certainly came away with some great shots!! This is a real beauty ~ pin-sharp and an excellent diagonal composition. The plane is really gleaming and glinting in the sunshine! Kind regards, Chris
Lee Harris
{K:14694} 7/26/2004
Jim this is another fine example of the quality of your images, top notch. You get excellent composers, super sharp images and your exposure is always on. Great shot ! Sorry about your misfortune sounds like you made the best of it and moved on. My complements on a fine image. Lee 7+
Jim Christensen
{K:18843} 7/26/2004
Here is a photo of the left front tire. I dug by hand and found some straw to use for traction but the sand was too soft. Soo it was call the wrecker. I never uttered a single oath !!! I'm too old to get mad and throw things, then you have to pay the body man to boot. !!