Timothy Schirmer
{K:7201} 12/18/2004
Thanks so much from your comment Alberto, I guess what is interesting to me is the unusual, get crazy with it, we can all learn from eachother. Tim
Alberto Pfeifer
{K:617} 12/18/2004
Yet another view of your forks....
But what about knives and spoons then !!!
You are really "different" from the bunch...
Congrats, I'll try to learn from you...if you don't mind...
Joshua Rainey
{K:5069} 7/25/2004
Very original shot you have there. I like the shadows of the forks on the bottom and I like how nothing is really symmetrical but it all hints at perfection...
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 7/25/2004
great idea!!!
Amanda Radovic
{K:3609} 7/25/2004
This intrigues me - I love the forks, a little odd but interesting and I found myself straining to read the titles of hte books. You got my attention and that is what it is all about!! Love it in BW - has a strange scholarly come oddball feel to it.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/25/2004
Very creative shot, Timothy. The forks add something, and the titles of your choice of literature will provide food for thought...(pun intended) A few questions come to mind. Why not use a wide angle lens to create a stronger perspective, enabling you to also capture the forks on the left and right within the frame? Another thing is the slight gradient in the near white background. In postprocessing, I think making it completely white, to let it blend in with the white UF page would've been the finishing touch, maybe with a thin line around it to mask the cut off forks....
Excellent idea, and well captured. Very nice tonal range.