David Hofmann
{K:22223} 12/23/2004
very interesting and impressive photo!
bb mollins
{K:1236} 11/27/2004
gosh.. !! at first i see in it like an indianmask during spiritual celebration or like totem... i mean. then i see the face of men....
incredibile work with light u do.....
no words.. i admire ur mind..ur way to feel
karen clarke
{K:18893} 7/23/2004
How did I manage to miss this one? For me, its like tasting poison. Perhaps this woman seemed so innocent and trusting at first-I take a sip, and now she looks on me no emotions showing as I stumble before I fall. Why has she betrayed me? The distortion-the ugliness inside her that made her do so. Very dark. Just perfect. We all have an ugliness inside of us-that most of us will never show-its appeal is wide spread-in my eyes(the image). It shows you what you really wish to not see-but once you see it-it is rather intruiging...at least with the light you have cast upon it.
Well done~ Karen
{K:3054} 7/23/2004
Wonderful image, Mary! I LOVE it!
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 7/22/2004
This one hits me. Frightening, spooky and mysterious; at least for me. The colors work great to create this atmosphere. C.
Petros Pavlopoulos
{K:366} 7/21/2004
I can see a hidden laureate sleeping face in the lower third of this excellent image !!!
Eric Bumgarner
{K:1229} 7/20/2004
Great effect, soft and spooky!
Aris Michalopoulos / OsirisiS
{K:1916} 7/20/2004
Mou arese poly afti i eikona. Etsi apla.
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 7/19/2004
No , not Tolis !! I can see your yellow face in there...kisses
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 7/19/2004
Super! et merci. Bye!
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/19/2004
C'est une photo que j'ai tirée dans le passé, j'a photographié la photo plaçant encore des verres dans plusieurs couleurs devant lui. Elle est authentique et n'a aucune addition de PC. Le titre allemand signifie que les "miroirs sont des portes". J'ai employé le tranlation de google est lui correct??
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 7/19/2004
Hi! Miss Vareli, it's me! yes drilan. Superbe image et magnifiques couleurs dues à la distorsion probablement, et on se demande si ils sont deux ou un multiple??
Marcus Claésson
{K:2179} 7/19/2004
Dark and arty. I like the colors and the expression in her face.
{K:6651} 7/19/2004
Very very good Mary!
**** *****
{K:9527} 7/19/2004
Excellent feeling!
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/19/2004
Teo you can print the image you have my permission, the model is Tolis Elefantis!! (laughs)
{K:2507} 7/19/2004
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/19/2004
Hugo thanks for the constructive comment! Maybe I scanned the photo with too much contrast! I will experiment more with this photo, in the meantime I will possibly upload a couple more of this series, all of them have intense colors as I used mirrors, glass and plastic paper reflections in front of the image placing the light directly upon the images larger lines of color. Any other tip to make the image less intense? I like it this way but as you said it will be interesting to see the "twilight" atmosphere you mentioned! Best regards!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 7/19/2004
Hi Mary, very creative approach. The effect is quite spooky. I feel a bit ambiguous about the high level of saturation. A slightly less saturated photo, or even a completely desaturated one would've made the "twilight" atmosphere even straonger. The use of reflection and refraction is awesome, though. I find the idea behind this in combination with the title very gripping and profound. the fortune-teller helping to see [the other side]. At least that's what I perceive in this image. Very creative shot.
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/19/2004
"perception" I mean sorry, my linguistic tendencies makes it painful -afterwards- to write in a hurry...
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/19/2004
Fabio, you comment spoke to my heart..."The Doors Of Perseption"... My memories against mirrors...It is true, as if you knew... Check the Allerseelen Lp you will find something inside about this notion I explore here...If you do not find it send me your address to sen you this and some other cds, I will be glad to do so.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 7/19/2004
all doors open to your perception and all mirrors blinded by your memories :)
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 7/19/2004
Paula thanks for the comment and optimistic story!! I am glad to hear something good about mirrors .. as in the collective subconscious mirrors have been considered evil, several things are said about them...It is nice to have this story in mind!! kisses
emily savva
{K:21113} 7/19/2004
a dreamlike quality and vibrand colours... nice work Mary...
Ann Texter
{K:10064} 7/19/2004
Wonderful image Mary! can't wait to see more of the series. Ann
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 7/19/2004
lovely. reminds me of a marquez short story in which a man appears in the mirror to a woman. the man is from the past. they fall in love, and the woman ends up leaving her life in the present, and steps into the mirror so they can be together. :-) cheers, paula