Rui Miranda
{K:2716} 8/3/2004
The photo is great, but the model beats it. Best regards. rui
Mark Stein
{K:6210} 7/30/2004
Yeah, this picture has so much going for it. It's just a top notch image all around. I've been on and off here for a while and I always love to come back and check out your work. I read a lot of comments on here, I love your attitude...it exudes confidence.
{K:17069} 7/27/2004
I have started a forum thread to get some kind of an explanation on why 10 of my photos were removed without warning. I appreciate your help by commenting on the forum if you wish to offer it.
Thanx a lot.
{K:17069} 7/22/2004
Maybe my new photo will trigger some more "heroic" emotions on you Brad.
Brad Morris
{K:3307} 7/22/2004
I am glad that this one is staying around. You are my hero PP!
LaMaro Hall
{K:3658} 7/17/2004
you never cease to Amaze me....
{K:17069} 7/17/2004
It went over 100 views in just less than 100 minutes hehehe..
Jim Gamble
{K:12164} 7/16/2004
Post Script: glad this one went over the 100 mark, would have been ashame to lose it.
Jim Gamble
{K:12164} 7/16/2004
P, this an excellent shot The reflection in her glasses does not bother me, of course that wasnt the first thing I noticed on her. You sir are an outstanding photographer, if I only had your talent. Thanks for commening on my shots, will strive to improve. Jim Gamble
{K:1665} 7/16/2004
Yea, I also like the black background ;-()
{K:17069} 7/16/2004
At least you like something....
{K:1665} 7/16/2004
Sorry to spoil the party, but IMO this is glamour, not fashion.
Also I don't like the overdose of Photoshop -- you've made her a true Barbie, although one with features.
Contrary to what one poster said I DO like the softbox reflection.
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 7/16/2004
{K:17069} 7/16/2004
Hi Paula. They are all hers... Cause she paid for them :-P
Tina Bauer
{K:117} 7/16/2004
Excellent. I love the lighting, wind blown hair, pose, and the model looks very sexy. Well done
Terry McCully
{K:9221} 7/16/2004
K this went right into my fav's .. I can not staring at this... PERFECT ! ! ! ! Congrats PPDIX
{K:17069} 7/16/2004
I understand and I love the fact that this picture somehow made an impact on you worth looking at it and taking the time to comment on it as well. I've said this many times before. There are way too many voyeurs that look but don't have the courtesy of commenting on what the photo did for them. You did, and I thank you for that.
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 7/16/2004
When I say style, I mean the way you convey what you want to say. I have noticed that I mainly (and I guess quite naturally) appreciate the photos that are close my way of seeing the world, of my ways of expression. This happens to be something quite different, and to me it doesn't represent much that I place positive value on - yet it's very well done, so for what it is, it's great. That's all I meant, but I guess you understand anyway. Cheers, Paula
{K:17069} 7/16/2004
I was too.. Maybe...
{K:17069} 7/16/2004
{K:17069} 7/16/2004
T H A N X :-)
{K:17069} 7/16/2004
I don't think there is such a thing as "Style"... At least not for me.
Variety, flexibility and diversity is what makes a good photographer in my opinion.
Cheers. I am glad u like it.
{K:17069} 7/16/2004
I agree with points a and b Ivan...
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 7/16/2004
not exactly my style, yet very professional-looking. beautiful work. but, my god, are those real on her??? :-)
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 7/16/2004
absolutly stunning!!!!
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 7/16/2004
That is a great idea. Only problem is that in my portfolio only 5 pictures got 100 views, which really tells three things: a) Sex sells b) I should stop picturing cats and dogs and go for the really interesting stuff. c) I am a crap photographer.
Sorry for rambling on Nancy's picture... she is real asset to your portfolio, I predict she hit upon a thousand times before summer is over.
p e t a .
{K:18700} 7/16/2004
I was being sarcastic!
A Brito
{K:10699} 7/16/2004
great shot !!!
{K:549} 7/16/2004
Uh! (L)
{K:549} 7/16/2004
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 7/16/2004
I love this P
love it love it love it
Benigno Bobby
{K:-1679} 7/16/2004
beautiful, good composed and good lighting
Marta Azevedo
{K:4237} 7/16/2004
Tudo bonita nesta foto. Luz, combinacao de cores, modelo, pose, o peitao...
{K:17069} 7/15/2004
She made the 100 mark... and in less than 2 hours!
{K:17069} 7/15/2004
Siegfried Burgstaller
{K:-8} 7/15/2004
Well that is a tough one. I some times like it, some times don?t. I think a reflection or flash or whatever inherently tells the viewer that this is a picture taken in a studio, which can be good. To me it is more the look of the reflection, say if I could see the individual bulbs I may like it (kind of a honey comb effect), or if it were perhaps an actual element of the composition. Also a persons eye is drawn to areas of high contrast/brightness first when looking at a picture. Keep in mind I don?t shoot any type of portraits so I have no idea what I am talking about....I would probably get tangled up in the wires and not even know how to set them up. Blah...blah...blah...blah I will just shut up now.
{K:17069} 7/15/2004
Why don't people like the reflection? I don't know. I like it and it will always be there. It's done on purpose. I can tell her to look down just an inch and make it disappear.
But i don't like it without it :-)
Siegfried Burgstaller
{K:-8} 7/15/2004
Very professional, but...(heh) I dont like the big reflection from the softbox? in her glasses. Other then that perfect color and nice comp.
Terry McCully
{K:9221} 7/15/2004
N I C E :)
{K:17069} 7/15/2004
\Mod"es*ty\, n. [L. modestia: cf. F. modestie. See Modest.] 1. The quality or state of being modest; that lowly temper which accompanies a moderate estimate of one's own worth and importance; absence of self-assertion, arrogance, and presumption; humility respecting one's own merit.
2. Natural delicacy or shame regarding personal charms and the sexual relation; purity of thought and manners; due regard for propriety in speech or action.
Her blush is guiltiness, not modesty. --Shak.
Modesty piece, a narrow piece of lace worn by women over the bosom. [Obs.] --Addison.
Syn: Bashfulness; humility; diffidence; shyness. See Bashfulness, and Humility. [Try Merriam-Webster Unabridged.]
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
n 1: freedom from vanity or conceit [ant: immodesty] 2: formality and propriety of manner [syn: reserve]
Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University
NOT ME! :-) although I could learn to like MODESTY PIECES....
p e t a .
{K:18700} 7/15/2004
modest too !
{K:17069} 7/15/2004
Ciao Gabry...
Il mio artista italiano favorito... Gabry Ponte.
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 7/15/2004
great work, good
{K:17069} 7/15/2004
Yes i am Peta... :-P
p e t a .
{K:18700} 7/15/2004
Ok so I think this is my fav now. You really are a talented boy hey?!?! I've been sending links of your pics to my friends at work (male of course) and they are also always impressed.
kisses Peta
{K:17069} 7/15/2004
As of tomorrow, I am removing all photos on my portfolio that got less than 100 views. Either they are not good enough to be on UseFilm or they are not what people are interested in looking at. I just want to fine-tune my portfolio to contain only the best.
Fortunately, out of 350 images, only 15 got less than 100... :-)
{K:2031} 7/15/2004
ist der t shirt nicht zu klein ?
Jean-Marc Desjarlais
{K:2131} 7/15/2004
Definately one of your best. You seem to be really enjoying your "new" camera. Very "natural" shot.
{K:17069} 7/15/2004
Goddamn is right Kev
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 7/15/2004
I really like everything about this.. Great light detail and composition. all works well.
Kevin Lanthier
{K:3477} 7/15/2004
The detail in the individual whisps of hair against the solid black background screams professionalism, as does the consistent touches of blue (moreso than green). It's done in a manner almost as aesthetically pleasing as Nancy herself. Goddamn!
António Nunes
{K:96} 7/15/2004
Excellent work. Love the lighting.
{K:17069} 7/15/2004
Ciao Gino, sono carta... Lei e fatta in Colombia, montata negli USA... Dove i AirBags sono piů costosi.
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 7/15/2004
Pat usi lo sfondo in carta o in stoffa ??? e lei č stata costruita nella Silicon Valley ???
Elsje Fiederelsje
{K:6320} 7/15/2004
wow!!! this picture is great!!! love the windy hair!!!