krystal pp
{K:954} 7/19/2004
sure, do what you want to them... krystal@ikillclowns.com
krystal pp
{K:954} 7/19/2004
sure, do what you want to them... krystal@ikillclowns.com
michelle k.
{K:16270} 7/19/2004
hehehehe weeeeeeeee cute~! btw-would you let me work on a pic of you? email me if you want~ cameron3227@hotmail.com
krystal pp
{K:954} 7/17/2004
krystal pp
{K:954} 7/17/2004
Ok Mr.PP-head, Here's some pics of me for you...not the best quality!!! go here. http://public.fotki.com/krystal446/..
krystal pp
{K:954} 7/15/2004
lol...I'd love to have something other than a polaroid funflash...are you going to buy it for me:)...lol
{K:17069} 7/15/2004
OK Ms. pp, nice photo but with a cute doggie like that and kids and alllll those outdoors pictures u got it's time for a digital camera, baby. And a swivel flash that you can bounce off the ceiling so Ridek would keep the color of his eyes the way the are supposed to be.
Mr. pp
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 7/13/2004
This is a cute picture, you can tell your dog loves to be photographed. Your other best boy seems to tolerate. Alison
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 7/12/2004
lol you dafty ;-) Great photo Krystal - which is the easier one to feed ? lol
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 7/12/2004
Hey!...Krystal....The Face Only a Dog Lover, Could Love!...The One with the Rubbery Nose!...Great Duo Photograph...Krystal...Ha,ha,aha!!! Jeff.