City - Rural Calgary. State - ABERTA Country - Canada
Looking across the Rockies Beyond...50Miles Away...on a Cool March, 2004, Morning, Fuji s5000 Digital, x1.7 Adpter Lens....630mm Hand Held, Shot!.....Jeff!
The sense of vastness in this lovely landscape is amazing. Interesting composition, the horizontal lines add to the depth and the mountains are a breathtaking sight Superb capture, Jeff Cheers - Emgy
Very good image for the 'moody landscape' Jeff. I like this one a lot. Good contrasting 'layers of interest'...(well I know what I mean, not sure you do though!) But, it's GOOD! :) I like the composition very much!
Lori :)
AWESOME mountains in the background. At first glance, they look at clouds, then the begin to 'form'........