Jennifer Jones
{K:-505} 7/10/2004
David, you are too kind! Thank you for your awesome enthusiasm! Jennifer
David Fisk
{K:7444} 7/9/2004
Please excuse my previous typos, but sometimes I get so excited when I look at really good photos like this one. The is SPECTACULAR in all areas. Composition, lighting, and shading are stunning. I should get this good! Best regards David
Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 7/8/2004
The smile is very nice as is the composition and pose. Nice portrait all around.
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 7/8/2004
such a sweet shot. I am looking over your portfolio and it's amazing. I love your work.
Jennifer Jones
{K:-505} 7/8/2004
Thanks ark for taking the time to comment, Mark. You are absolutely right. Many of the images appear to be soft. May I ask you how you usually sharpen. If you use unsharp mask, do you have baseline numbers you begin with. Very curious! Thanks - Jennifer
Mark Stein
{K:6210} 7/8/2004
Hi Jennifer,
Just a fantastic portrait and the lighting is excellent. I own a 10D and as you will find, most images from a 10D will look a little soft. All they need is a touch of sharpening to make them look as they would if taken with a film camera. Sometimes you need it, sometimes you don't.
Anyway, excellent images!
Jennifer Jones
{K:-505} 7/8/2004
Thanks Arwa! I managed the lighting by opening my garage door! HAHA! Glad you like it! Jennifer
Marta Azevedo
{K:4237} 7/8/2004
Lovely shot
Pat Fruen
{K:12076} 7/8/2004
Agree with Charisse-one of your best!
Peter Griffen
{K:526} 7/8/2004
It's a 7. Perfect!
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 7/8/2004
A cute portrait of a gorgeous model, how did u manage the light looks perfect? 7/7
Jennifer Jones
{K:-505} 7/8/2004
Thanks so much Charissse for your words of encoragement. These were my first pictures I took of my neices with my 10D... in my garage! I was thinking maybe this picture was a little flat, then I get a comment like yours and think "go figure"! Thanks!
c c
{K:13449} 7/8/2004
Perfect! Love the lighting on her face...the tones....all of it....one of your best yet!