{K:8771} 11/10/2004
like a Little Prince. Really special work.
Ghada Noman
{K:3016} 10/22/2004
very nice shot, very good tone and great compostion! well done.
Sarah Robertson
{K:621} 6/30/2004
I love it. Excellent B &W
Beverly Bodishbaugh
{K:1576} 6/29/2004
Beautiful tones and lighting. Nicely done.
Ameet Mallapur
{K:1575} 6/28/2004
a beautiful moment!!!
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 6/28/2004
great capture!!
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 6/28/2004
Wonderful composition. The tones and contrast are perfect. Could stand to be a little shrper, but none the less, a fantastic capture.
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 6/28/2004
The light is just what I would hope for, but the composition is very static IMHO. Love the arms pulled into the sleeves.
Andrew Lahanas
{K:7062} 6/28/2004
This is a great shot that would have looked better if the child was a little sharper. I would give anything to see some directional light coming from up above directly onto his face, but that is asking for a little too much. I like the composition and the dramatic and very artistic black and white.
Diego Dotta
{K:3172} 6/28/2004
Wow Ryan!! Very very nice shot man!! Great idea! wonderful moment! Congrats a lot! Diego Dotta
Shaun Rullens
{K:2732} 6/28/2004
Nice capture.