Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 10/17/2007
wowwwwwww.. fantastic!! Great shot, my compliments!!!! Ciao :)
Kerry Nobbs
{K:2800} 10/16/2007
Good lightning shot. Great detail in the picture. Wild.
Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 4/26/2006
Hi Shyamal,
Fantastic Shot...I remember it took me 70 clicks to get one...
Great work,
el o
{K:89} 7/19/2004
Byron Faudie
{K:3} 6/27/2004
Good for you! Awesome photo.
Bryce Hughes
{K:2957} 6/27/2004
Great shot, i know how hard it is to get a shot like this - well i dont really cause i havn't got one yet hehe. but keep posting beauties like these! they're great
Efisio Mureddu
{K:13104} 6/26/2004
Great capture 7 ciao Efisio
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 6/26/2004
7+++ Fantastic shot!
{K:1816} 6/26/2004
Wow! What an absolutely superb lightening shot! Nish
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 6/26/2004
Must have been some storm - fantastic shot - lightning is not easy to capture congrats Margaret
André Bermak
{K:14443} 6/26/2004
HUMMMM!!!!!Fantástica captura noturna......(add to fav.....)
{K:17069} 6/26/2004
Ghada Noman
{K:3016} 6/26/2004
wow what a great shot! fantastic Shyamal! :)
Shyamal Addanki
{K:1009} 6/26/2004
Thank you, all of you for your comments. I had the camera set on bulb with the f-stop at 8 and the ISO at 100. I sat and waited with the shutter open for the strike at the right place and then released the shutter right after. I was very lucky to get a strike such as this, but thank you all for you support.
Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 6/26/2004
Excellent capture!
Terry McCully
{K:9221} 6/26/2004
Justine Worth
{K:831} 6/26/2004
I haven't seen a lightning shot as good as this before. How did you get the timing right? It's spot on!
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 6/26/2004
WOW! Super strong shot! Great capture, Shyamal! Very well exposed as well as composed. Love the high details in the sky line, but compared to the lightning, that's only a minor item. Anyway, it adds the perfect finishing touch. Stunning capture!