Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 6/26/2004
to dang scary. especially since it throws you over the edge like that. there is no way I would ever ride that thing. uuuugghhh my husband had showed it to me in I think discover magazine before it came out. it looks vicious. what a great close up shot. awesome. the magazine only had a little photo of it.
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 6/26/2004
Nice bright perspective. Regards, Rob.
Martin Woudstra
{K:1084} 6/26/2004
Hi Trish, It's the 'Extreme'-ride indeed. Although I do enjoy a rollercoaster ride, but this one is a bridge too far for me...:) See the detail picture and shiver!
Paul: no tripod? Maybe they were afraid you would throw it over the edge. Security measures were harsh indeed, almost airport-like.
Andy: L glass rules indeed. This week I purchased the 50/1,4 and stopped down a bit it's even sharper and brighter as the 17-40. They might as well give it a red ring and call it a L. Canon has great optics!
Regards, Martin

Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 6/26/2004
great shot. so that little piece hanging from the top of the building. is that that new crazy ride they have? scary ride. anyways. this is different your right everyone always takes the pics from the top.
Andy Simmons
{K:7704} 6/26/2004
Very good perspective, and such a bright, clear image. L glass rules.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 6/25/2004
This is a very comprehensive angle, martin. Very nice.
I took my camera up there at night, and they refused to let me carry up ANY tripod, including my pocket-sized tabletop tripod. How ridiculous. :(