City - Columbia State - MARYLAND Country - United States
Now that the 2004 Cicadas are almost gone, I started worrying about what to photograph :-) Well, today I discovered that the office building at my new job has a small goldfish (koi) pond out back. I stepped outside - it was a beautiful June day - to spend a few momements watching the fish, when *spronnnnngggg!!!!*** A noise like the thwanging of a very large, thick rubber band. To my delight, I turned and found that it had come from one of several Green Frogs (Rana clamitans melanota) that make their home in the pond. New photo material!!
Check out this handsome fellow (the larger-than-his-eyeballs tympanum (round disk below his left eye), an extrenal eardrum, identifies him as a male. Females have tympani that are about the same size as their eyes.