City - Panchachulli Parvat State - SHIMLA Country - India
The title means: 'Guest is God'. In these small villages in Nothern India, people still consider guests as gods and would not let you go without a cup of tea or some gesture of humble giving from their side. They are in real, the beautiful people! :) (the above pic was taken in 'nangapurvat', Punchachulli hills in northern India. I had a memoriable chat with her over a cup of 'kava', their trational tea)
Matru devobhava, Pitru devobhava, Athithi devobhava & Acharya devobhava (Mother, father, Guest & Teacher are to be treated as Almighty, in that order, I think) to complete the theme of the "Pantheistic Faith of Hinduism". Great shot indeed! Keep up the great work!