Stefan Sahlander
{K:117} 8/16/2004
I really like this photo. A perfect street photo in colour. I also like Ireland, but unlike Mark so does this photo not really make me long for the country ;-)
PhilCB 1973
{K:1894} 7/14/2004
I did take another without any human entering the scene, but this one has a better dimension than that one but it does have a certain solitary silenece that this one lacks. Though I'm not sure if I like that one better. I'm not too concerned with that either to be honest unless it comes down to a collection of images and putting them in series.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 7/12/2004
This on gets a much better review by me, to make up for the rather severe critique of the VW. The walking man is not a distraction, he gives scale and meaning and context to the image. You caught him in full stride, which reminds me of some PJ work by others I like. Suppose you had allowed the area to clear and you took another photo of just the gas station with no human in evidence. Do you think you would like that one better?
Mark Scheffer
{K:1809} 6/21/2004
Your photo's make me long for Ireland. It's my favorite country.
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 6/20/2004
Perfect...his position just shy of the vert above makes the image for me...yes and that cool red line above. Perfect proporions all around.Your choice to include the walker was the right one. He creates the perfect tension for this quiet scene.7++ K