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Wake Up Call
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Image Title:  Wake Up Call
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 By: Roger Skinner  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Roger Skinner  Roger Skinner {Karma:81846}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Kodak DCS Pro SLRn
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Landscape
Lens Nikon 28-200
Uploaded 6/12/2004 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 380 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 4 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City -  Muswellbrook
State -  NSW
Country - Australia   Australia
About Front yard ...winter
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There are 4 Comments in 1 Pages
Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 6/12/2004
Our winters get down to freezing but seldom below -2 Celcius which is the lowest we have recorded since we began keeping temperature and rainfall records back in 1977 in our old house. Our summer max stands at 44 deg Celsius?its actually interesting but I trend the recordings in a spreadsheet and it has trended hotter and wetter in the records I keep which aren?t measured in a proper Stephenson Screen weather record station but just the same over twenty years or so I reckon they give a fair indication of what?s happening and they appear to mirror what?s happening globally. Our soil is poor very thin measuring from 150mm to 5mm on top of clay (Permian graywhack) is the nickname which sits an top of mudstones and coal. Our two largest neighbours are Drayton Coal and Mt Arthur Coal mines and are about 2 km away?the trees way up the back of our place in the 1983 shot are all in the Drayton Coal Nature reserve (read buffer zone) sorry to prattle on but I hope I have answered your questions?when to I get to see a pic of you place?? Just so as when I visit the states I can honk as I drive past!! Nasty Coal MIning pic att


Enjoy    {K:16125} 6/12/2004
Roger you have done an amazing job...outstanding... I think adding trees to property is essential... I am trying hard to grow everygreens here as the winters seem so long to go without seeing much green here... I only wish I felt I would be here in 20 years to see them...but I doubt Thank you soooo much for sharing the before picture as well... wonderful!!!!!!! In Calif we use to have eucalyptus (not sure of spelling) trees and we used in our birds cages they liked to strip the bark from them... not to mention I loved the smell of them ... Well done..thank you for sharing and it will be fun to watch winter approach your area as we move into summer here... =))


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 6/12/2004
Hi Debra
The trees in the shot are a bit of a mix? from left to right we have E Saligna then the low shrubby round number is Acacia Longifolia which I planted too close to the driveway and drives people nuts when they come out as they don?t like their cars being brushed by the branches. All the straight trunked ones are E Maculata (Spotted Gum) which have a classic Christmas tree conical shape. Behind them there are some dark green needle leaf trees Casuarina Cunninghamiana (Sheoaks) All planted by me as the land was bare when we moved out here and built the house in 1980 see att pic from Spring 1983 the trees in the usefilm image are all in the defined circular area in front of the house and weren?t even planted in 1983 but were planted as tube stock about 200mm (8?) high. E Mac are native to the area which is why they were chosen and the plantings are done using the Edna Walling (an early pioneering Australian Native Landscape Architect) planting principle where by you throw and handful of potatoes up in the air and where they land is where you plant. So nothing is organised or tidy or in rows except down our 800mtr drive of course which is lined with E Saligna (Slaty Gum) it?s a bugger to mow but it looks a bit more natural. The trees are currently round 15 mtrs tall but at maturity go to about 30mtrs they are evergreen Eucalypt shed leaves and branches all year round especially in drought which we are still in since 2002
In the 1983 pic you can see a shed up behind the house that is the original darkroom and studio which has now been extended air conditioned and wow when I look back- twenty years ?I think I have achieved something maybe


Enjoy    {K:16125} 6/12/2004
Tell me what kind of trees are these you have? They are so tall!!! Lovely lovely.... I work so hard to get trees to grow here... I can not tell you how much I miss huge trees...of shade... I have one large tree on 6 acres..... I have started several but takes sooooooo long to get them tall and alot of work to keep them alive here... This dirt was not designed for trees its high desert.... dry... windy... and can have some rather cold winters..and hooooooootttttt summers...




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