Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 9/12/2004
Adorable! Love that look on her face! I remember loving to run . . . that was a loooong time ago! LOL!
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 6/17/2004
love her little expression. great capture.
Renee Robinson
{K:2112} 6/12/2004
If it was too sentimental for you then don't comment on it. THank you.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 6/11/2004
Beautiful, they have so much fun at this age. No cares in the world. Very nice capture. Don.
Chance Aabron
{K:388} 6/11/2004
This looks like you duplicated the image in Photoshop, blurred it, then used the screen channel. An admirable effort, but too sentimental for my tastes...
Renee Robinson
{K:2112} 6/11/2004
Soft focus....I will post it without too...I did the filter on the computer, but would like to try more with filters and not on the computer.
Shaun Rullens
{K:2732} 6/11/2004
Good shot, but it is blury. or was did you want a soft focus?