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{K:2309} 1/30/2005
Perfect composition on this romantic and suggestive image. Excellent?
John Strazza
{K:11535} 12/15/2004
excellent ...
A Brito
{K:10699} 10/11/2004
belas linhas.... muito sensual.... bom titulo !
Caio Ferrari
{K:32} 10/7/2004
superb!! I loved.
Rui Filipe Rebelo Prego
{K:1213} 8/26/2004
Lida Chaulet
{K:3430} 7/18/2004
Oh... this is beautiful... love it!
Leaves lots for the imagination...
Very well done! Lida
. .
{K:16329} 7/10/2004
Very nice!
marília campos
{K:517} 6/21/2004
caramba, gosto mesmo desta. não me canso. se um dia trocássemos fotos, eu escolheria esta:)
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 6/19/2004
Fantastic !!!!!!!!
**** *****
{K:9527} 6/17/2004
Very nice!
luis pereira
{K:26013} 6/14/2004
Good grey scale and excelent presentation. Sensual.
marília campos
{K:517} 6/13/2004
esta está simplesmente brilhante.
c c
{K:13449} 6/10/2004
Your photography is so inspiring...and I agree with some of the others, that this is one of your finest shots. I love where my mind goes and the scenerios it makes up as I look at this...Wonderful....True Talent!
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 6/10/2004
Very creative, Sunrise! Excellent lighting, tones and very pleasant lines. This shot may tell a lot of stories. Congrats! Cheers, Paolo
donato r.
{K:16361} 6/10/2004
semplice ma di grandee effetto! ottimo lavoro ciao donato
Márcio Costa
{K:2150} 6/10/2004
Criativo, gosto de detalhes, geralmente tem um apelo mais forte, mensagens que nos fazem refletir. Parabéns.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 6/9/2004
...mestre mesmo...é o Rui Palha...grande fonte de inspiração... olha o Lucas agora deu de desaprender a mamar...apanha só o biquinho da mama...enche-se de ar...e depois como imaginas leva a Helena ao desespero...pois não consegue comer...enfim...a vida ...risos
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 6/9/2004
ui...fabulosa também, que grandes experiências... adorei!
Aira Manna
{K:11187} 6/9/2004
one of your best - love this style, it is AWESOME!
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 6/9/2004
excellent image
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 6/9/2004
oooh dear Sunrise, this is really fabulous ! and the frame is really appropiated. Splendid work ! congrats mc
Rui Palha
{K:13624} 6/9/2004
Very suggestive and sensuel pic. Excellent cropping.
Carlheinz Bayer
{K:14220} 6/9/2004
B E A U T I F U L !!! Leaves you with lot's of room for your very own story; love it. Cheers! Carlheinz
In Transit
{K:29432} 6/9/2004
She wishes she and her husband had more time together but appreciates the beauty of their lawn. Worth every minute, thinks Bernice. The narrow walkway, intricately bricked, with brass lamps, Bernice polishes every Saturday. It takes two hours and still she thinks, Worth every minute. Pale orange curtains frame the interior of each window of her little house. Matching sashes pull them back in large, graceful arcs, their edges hemmed with yellow lace. Bernice thinks of her crushed velvet living room set and smiles. He will come home... befoire the stroke of midnight... he always does... Uhggg that other woman...
Pictures are to tell a story... and well done!