Lea Mulqueen
{K:7396} 8/24/2005
Nice image Sheldon. I do wish it were in color! (sorry, black and white nature photos don't appeal to me nearly as much as color). Wonderful lines on that tree!
Christian Leporati
{K:894} 7/13/2004
wow! stunnig tree!
Robert Jones
{K:1692} 6/15/2004
Wow, what a great tree. You have captured and presented it so well.
{K:16125} 6/7/2004
This is a great tree...love the way the arms are twisted... well seen great choice for b.w
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 6/7/2004
Magnificent image! I love it just the way it is, with the shadows beneath it. Great shot!
Richard Dong
{K:1738} 6/7/2004
Amazing tree. What really intrigues me is the empty spaces between the branch trunks. The areas around them seem somewhat cluttered, perhaps moving in with a wider lens and shooting upwards would have simplified the image. But simply cropping out the bottom part of the image improves it. Nice find, I hope you can go back take more shots of this tree.
Steven H
{K:7142} 6/7/2004
Great eye to see and capture this one.