Todd Miller
{K:16464} 1/9/2005
thanks for the info carlos, i'll keep my eyes open for her book.
{K:12969} 1/9/2005
Glad you interested in Diane Arbus? an extraordinary complicated artist and ultimately a tragic figure who killed herself at a young age - but not before creating images that remain unique, intense, and unforgettable. She also wrote extremely economic and absolutely on target commentary about picture taking.
I don?t know the title of the shot that connected me to yours - across time so to speak - but I know the picture is included in a must have book ? ?Diane Arbus : An Aperture Monograph?. I loaned the book some time ago and never got it back ;-)? I?ll visit the local bookstore soon and I?ll send you a note.
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 1/9/2005
carlos, thank you for the kind comments. and thank you as well for mentioning D. Arbus, whom i previously did not know, but have since checked out. she has some amazing work. do you happen to know the title of the photo you were thinking of? i'd love to see it. cheers, todd
{K:12969} 1/8/2005
I like this picture Todd, and the whimsy of the work throughout. The gallery shots are excellent and each one delivers something different ? the composition of ?The House of Mondrian?, an amazing picture, brings to mind another super shot by Diane Arbus, even though the general sensibility of picture taking in the 70?s is far different than it is today. ?still life w/ hydrant?,. .. ?strut?? ?anatomy of a parking ramp??'lines and colors??. All favourites. Thanks for commenting on ?vaudeville?? and noticing the amazing cool jacket! But what about the other fellow? Some guys wear hats? but a few really KNOW how to show them! C
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 9/11/2004
Cool shot Todd,Love the way you have been captured.Regards from the netherlands....Riny.
Paula Goddard
{K:8492} 8/2/2004
ha! for a horrible second i thought this was a real man... but i suppose that's whole point, inni? :)
excellent capture, and looooove the pink!
cheers, paula
Erik Neldner
{K:10846} 8/1/2004
Love this one! My usual obsession with mannequins aside, it's the real human's juxtaposition with the plastic dude. Amsterdam is full of great one's. Keep it up!
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 5/28/2004
i was just curious, but i would LOVE to visit Utrecht again-i will someday...
it's funny you should post that picture, because i ate lunch at the Winkel van Sinkel. had a delicious sandwich and a belgian kriek beer which was not so delicious.
Ted vandenBergh
{K:5119} 5/28/2004
Yes Todd, I live near Utrecht, in Zeist (60.000 inh.) and thats 15 minutes by bike. What is it you want to know? Are you going to visit us once more? I'll send you another picture of Utrecht: people dancing the samba in front of the Winkel van Sinkel. Ted
 Utrecht |
tom rumland
{K:14874} 5/28/2004
todd, very cool shot! i love how you always manage to capture these sureal moments. i like both crops, btw. different feelings but both are very strong. excellent capture!
take care, tom
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 5/28/2004
i like that crop too. it definitely gives the shot a different feeling. ted, do you live in Utrecht?
Todd Miller
{K:16464} 5/28/2004
thanks for the comments...tis good to be back! well, actually i'd rather still be overseas, but nice to be posting again.
Ted vandenBergh
{K:5119} 5/27/2004
Cool Todd, Like this picture. If you crop it like this, you get an other result.

{K:3946} 5/27/2004
superb counter balance, my friend, welcome back!