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 Alone and sad.
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Image Title:  Alone and sad.
Favorites: 4 
 By: RC. Dany  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer RC. Dany  RC. Dany {Karma:64104}
Project #24 The Decisive Moment Camera Model Canon eos
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 35-80 mm
Uploaded 5/22/2004 Film / Memory Type agfa 100 A
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1134 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 52 Rating
/ 28 Ratings
Location City -  Punta Del Este.
State - 
Country - Uruguay   Uruguay
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There are 52 Comments in 1 Pages
S G S G   {K:455} 3/20/2009


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 5/19/2008
Fantastic Anne, complimentssssssssss !


 Mohammad  Khaxar Mohammad  Khaxar   {K:5118} 1/20/2008
very good work...deep alone...

well done..


Tony Smallman   {K:23858} 9/29/2007
A ti te gusta el color rojo,verdad?Esta foto es buenisssssima


whoiswho t whoiswho t   {K:10700} 6/28/2005
i love so much... its so simple but very impressive as well many depressive.

into my favourites...


Igor Gatnik   {K:2300} 10/23/2004
Very fresh and effective. Great.


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 8/10/2004
Anne, I forget your beatiful portfolio, I choose this portrait between lots of excellent shots you have; the effect on the face and the vivid red and combination with gray background make this photography very nice and attracting for the point of view too


Laercio Gomes Laercio Gomes   {K:3645} 7/23/2004
Boa foto. Espero que ela já tenha sarado!


Z.Z.    {K:652} 6/27/2004
Alone and sad,i,m sorry for her,but she is not stronge.i like very much strong personalite.
Excellent work


Predrag Sudar Predrag Sudar   {K:5075} 6/14/2004
Excellent photo!


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 6/11/2004
that's a beautiful contrast composing, Anne. the colored shirt, the blurred background, the placement in the center. very good work! cheers, thilo


James Lee James Lee   {K:4790} 6/8/2004
Fantastic mood.


Ferran Lacruz   {K:5466} 6/3/2004
Original muy bien realizada encantadora imagen
Saludos Ferran


Q Zhang   {K:3946} 6/2/2004
Like the delicate, lonely flower, battered and tossed by the wind. But still strong and clinging on to life. The use of the red, the shape of the back and the blur is beautiful. -QZ


Leonardo Bosnia   {K:4053} 5/31/2004
An other great ide... i like when you play with focus in this way!

By :)


Sara M   {K:12411} 5/27/2004
Very touching and expressive Anne.. 7/7


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 5/26/2004
very unique and artistic.. beautiful shot and BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL colors ;-)


Gaetan Chevalier   {K:4188} 5/26/2004
Great and original shot. Very nice composition.


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 5/26/2004
Thank you wanted friend, I am moved a lot what you wrote, thank you


Hugh Hill   {K:1618} 5/25/2004
You are not alone,

Times Arrow

If I could change times arrows course?
I?d hastily retreat it a many faces
To sail beyond your hearts remorse
In search of the pain that each morn? embraces.
But I cannot force the grains of sand to arise
For I have no dark magic, nor a wizards flare
To grant longing wishes afore your eyes
Except in the dreams to which we share
Wherein no time can break loves boundless spell
Nor fancy knaves be with covetous intent
As a passion that fathoms beyond the depths of hell
Finds sanctuary with a simple love content
No I cannot change times arrows course,
Or sail beyond your hearts remorse.
Although I can be there for you to greet each day
And by doing so-hold the pain at bay!


Another exceptional image Anne,


Dariusz Poborski Dariusz Poborski   {K:604} 5/24/2004
wow ! what dynamic picture


c c c c   {K:13449} 5/24/2004
What a sad and moving story. This is spectacular Anne.


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 5/24/2004
Excellent shot,nothing to sugest any improvement.


Jeff Fiore   {K:11277} 5/24/2004
I like this one muy mucho


Roger Skinner Roger Skinner   {K:81846} 5/23/2004
Lovely shot Anne


m.c. lopez   {K:14766} 5/23/2004
...entendido Anne ! Tu foto tiene mas valor aun : todo esta significando differentemente ahora, pero queda la vida y la vibraciones de los sentimientos, los suyos, los tuyos, los mios... Hasta pronto hermanita !


Marco Cusumano Marco Cusumano   {K:455} 5/23/2004
E' una foto stupenda! Guardandola però non mi fa pensare a una persona sola e triste. ciao


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 5/23/2004
Te contare su historia Mc. ella esta muy triste y sola en es momento. esta por cruzar una avenida a la salida de un hospital, yo la sigo sin que ella se de cuenta , le acaban de decir que padece sida, charle con ella minutos antes cuando lloraba frente a su medica, por eso el titulo de la foto.


Yuri Bonder   {K:268} 5/23/2004


Yoshi Enoki Jr   {K:3021} 5/23/2004
Wonderful... I'm speechless. Muy bueno


m.c. lopez   {K:14766} 5/23/2004
estoy fascinado por su cuelo !
Piensas que esta triste ? No ! solo nostalgica... de qué ? Podemos construir una historia aqui !


m.c. lopez   {K:14766} 5/23/2004
me gusta muchissimo, anne ! que rojo ! Miliones de besos... mc


zet ka   {K:1411} 5/23/2004
Great idea and the realisation


WALT MESK   {K:10691} 5/23/2004
molto molto bella....un effetto gradevole.


laura diaz   {K:90} 5/23/2004
buena foto


Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 5/23/2004
That background gray is not something I would've thought of in a thousand years, but it is exactly what this image needs :-)


Owen O'Meara   {K:10503} 5/22/2004

Simply put, wonderful.



Tore Bully Tore Bully   {K:1308} 5/22/2004
Another image in the pure AnneKnesStyle. I like very much, compliments! Ciao torebully


Stephen  Bowden   {K:64141} 5/22/2004
Beautiful photo Anne


Neil Dolman   {K:26883} 5/22/2004
Excellent and striking image Anne, Perfect!
Can't say much more than that, sorry.
Congrats and best wishes, Neil


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 5/22/2004
you are a fantastic photographer..
i'm without of words!!!


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 5/22/2004 you!
big kiss!!!


Antonio Ruiz Antonio Ruiz   {K:478} 5/22/2004
Tienes una forma maravillosa de definir actitudes y formas. Muy buen trabajo.


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 5/22/2004
believe that that it was my goal, to have an own and defined style, I hope to be able to reach my goal, and I eat your you say to be able to make an Anne Knes wonderful serious for my.


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 5/22/2004
you use the technologies and put them to the service of the creativity
the result is always wonderful
adore your style are innovative and unique
he will be able to himself to tell: "this is a photography to the ANNE KNES"


Rainer Pawellek   {K:1033} 5/22/2004
Very nice even if the radial blurr made me sort of dizzy :)))


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 5/22/2004
Dynamic, colorful, and quite mysterious, Anne.


Nuno Palha Nuno Palha   {K:2048} 5/22/2004
Wonderfull image.
besos. N.


Chris Nichols   {K:7068} 5/22/2004
Very nice!!!!


Gertrud Gozner   {K:14222} 5/22/2004
great composition!! and what a strong color!


Chris Hunter Chris Hunter   {K:25634} 5/22/2004
very nice!


dodi b.   {K:1864} 5/22/2004
foto molto particolare.bellissimo profilo della ragazza.ciao




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