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Image Title:  Donation
Favorites: 3 
 By: Kristina Kohut  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Kristina Kohut {Karma:49990}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon G5
Categories Macro
Film Format
Portfolio Macro
Lens 7.2-28.8 mm
Uploaded 4/27/2004 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 768 Shutter 1/500
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 60 Rating
/ 34 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Sweden   Sweden
About I have now made my second donation to Usefilm, which means that I have been here for more than a year, PLUS that you will have to live with me and my photos for at least another year! ;-)

I thought this photo can presentate this, because it's like a hand, giving & taking.
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There are 60 Comments in 1 Pages
Bill Webster   {K:1669} 5/27/2004
Exceptional color and details. What reds!! And so smooth! Bravo!
Best regards,


Herbert Newland   {K:3435} 5/9/2004
Beautiful macro, fine colours and actually not oversharpened.


Diana Cornelissen   {K:26437} 5/5/2004
Beautiful macro, Kris! The red colours are so deep and the details splendid! It is done before.... photographing the inside of a tulip..... but this one is special, because of the original composition. I like the idea of "the hand" and I am glad to see you for another year here on Usefilm. Greetings,


Graham Mulrooney   {K:15728} 5/3/2004
Great macro with lovely colours. Focus and DOF is perfect. Gets a 7 from me.
I was going to donate but having second thoughts over the scoring system.


Daniel S. Garcia   {K:13946} 5/3/2004
WOW! This is a wonderful image with stunning color. Beautiful!


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 5/1/2004
wonderful pic. Regards by Gabry


Alvin Mak   {K:1737} 5/1/2004
Hmmm this looks very famaliar. Nice photo!


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 5/1/2004
Sudhir K, I'm sorry I forgot to reply to your question! This is "just" a red tulip flower, from very close! :-)


xy x   {K:41915} 4/30/2004
wonderful flowers and details, excellent colour tones and effect, great lighting and magnificent composed, congrats, best regards


ken krishnan   {K:19102} 4/30/2004
Hello my wonderful friend, you are one year old !. I am just a couple of months behind you.

It is always a pleasure to view you pics. Glad to know that will continue well into the next year.

Regards, ken.


Sudhir K.  Reddy Sudhir K.  Reddy   {K:7583} 4/30/2004
Awesome macro of stamens & stigma! And the detail of the pollen. I wonder what this becomes after it's pollinated! A medicinal fruit or seed perhaps or shrivel & die like many ornamental flowers:-)! My "curiosity" that's all, please give details of your subjects. Helps understand photo subjects or Nature as well, like we understand you & your association with UFC here. Yes, some of us stay and some wander away! Like you already may know, so many....


Lucas Macedo   {K:12843} 4/30/2004
Beaultiful strong colors, excellent details, Kriss! I'm happy you are confirming your staying with us, I also am "renewing" my donation this week!
Best regards! ..... Lucas


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 4/30/2004
Gorgeous colours and detail. The orange/red is just stunning. Amazing clarity. A lovely symbol of giving. btw I just love your bio photo collage. It is fun and full of the joy of life.


Reda Danaf   {K:14309} 4/29/2004
Wonderful macro, beautiful colours and details.


NN  NN     {K:26787} 4/29/2004
Incredible details! Thank YOU for all you give us Kristina through your wonderful pictures! These colours represent very well your passion for photography!


B:)liana    {K:30945} 4/29/2004
wow. dear dear.. now.. that is PERFECT! great Macro sweet Kristina and I did enjoy the past year with you my dear Friend, and I am so happy you are still here and will be. Thank you for all your wonderful support and friendship dear Kristina.
Be well and happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kiss, Biliana


Ciprian Ilie   {K:13571} 4/29/2004
This is a beautiful macro shot Kristina. Very good crop too.



Bill Ciavarra   {K:10216} 4/29/2004
Very nice Macro..good color and very sharp details...thanks for your comments! Bill


Lori Stitt   {K:75282} 4/29/2004
Hi Kristina,

I for one am glad you will be remaining with Usefilm. I like this site very much. I've had a few questions the last couple of days so I finally went to the photo forum (which I really hadn't checked out much before) and I saw where you asked the very question that I was wondering. I did put my reply, but will not go into it here. But certainly looks like we are not the lone rangers here!...

OK, back to your photo! LOL...I do like this photo very much, and reds can be SO HARD to photograph, and this has absolutely incredible detail I had to look to see what camera you are using.

Very nice,
Lori ;)


Nuno Palha Nuno Palha   {K:2048} 4/28/2004
Fantastic detail!!


Nick Russill   {K:929} 4/28/2004
Vivid colours and perfect focus / depth of field. needs to be a HUGE print on a white wall with the sun shining on it!


Pablo    {K:5381} 4/28/2004
That's quite an amazing macro. Love the detail and the colors. Really beautiful composition. Good work.



Geza Farkas   {K:12412} 4/28/2004
Beautiful, what a great DOF. It goes to my favorites :-).


a a a a   {K:853} 4/28/2004
Mmmm, great macro and perfect exposure!


Khoi Nguyen Khoi Nguyen   {K:8700} 4/28/2004
Dear Kristina, what a beautiful macro shot! Love the details and splendid red color. Splendid work!!!


Alexey Sapa   {K:27174} 4/28/2004
WOW! Really great macro! Gorgeous! Best regards, Alexey. Magnificent!!!


Gregory McLemore Gregory McLemore   {K:35129} 4/28/2004
Pristine beauty, the sharpness captured here is magical, well done.


G L   {K:1676} 4/28/2004
I rationalized it as less than a tank of gasoline which carries me about 250 miles, but this community (family) carries me around the entire world. You're the greatest!!!
(great macro)


Don Loseke Don Loseke   {K:32503} 4/27/2004
This is lovely Kristina, great colors and nice lighting. We sure can live with you for another year. Looking forward to more of your great pictures. Don.


Tony Quinlan Tony Quinlan   {K:2094} 4/27/2004
Absolutely flawless.
Well done.


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 4/27/2004
I love this 6-fingered hand, Kris
Your giving and taking, but especially your giving is great. I'm happy that you will stay with us for another year and that you'll continue posting your wonderful work as a donor
This is a wonderful shot in rich red and radiant yellow.
Love it!!!!
Hugs - Emgy


Emanuele Calvagno   {K:14353} 4/27/2004
meravigliosi colori e definizione stratosferica Kris! Thanks for your presence, your photos and your attention!


Kees and Carolyn    {K:15193} 4/27/2004
Beautiful macro! Congratulations on starting a new year with usefilm. I look forward to seeing more of your work!


Don Figaro   {K:1109} 4/27/2004
Beutifull macro!!!!!!!!!!!


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 4/27/2004
>I'm desperately clicking this "abuse" text next...

Now I understand what serves you the sixth finger! ;))) Thanks dear Kriss for your kind and humorous comment, you are definitely my favourite crossed-eyes-six-fingers-brown-hair-swedish photographer! Lot of kisses, Max :)


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 4/27/2004
Oh Max, one more year with your comments?? I'm desperately clicking this "abuse" text next to your comment but nothing happens... ;-)

Haha... no, you KNOW you are my very special favourite in whole Usefilm! :-)))

Six fingers, yes... but we have so many, it shouldn't matter with one more or less...hihi!

So I'm cross eyed with six fingers!

Thanks for all the support and also all YOUR wonderful photos! *Hugs and kisses back*


Massimo Di Maggio Massimo Di Maggio   {K:-53658} 4/27/2004
It is a wish or a intimidation? LOL I made my second donation (big donation!!!) in the same day, it?s just strange and curious, this means that you will have to bear my comments and jokes for another year ;))) Nice photo with great details (btw, a hand with six fingers? :O ). Kisses, Max


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 4/27/2004
Nice macro!!Beautiful shot.Splendid colors.


Burak Tanriover Burak Tanriover   {K:16610} 4/27/2004
very vivid and beautiful tone of red that goes very well with yellow. I like the details.regards


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 4/27/2004
Hi Douglas! Okay, I forgive you and you are more than welcome to visit again! ;-)

Seriously, a comment like yours would never upset me, I really appreciate honesty a LOT! What I hate is when people rate photos really low without saying a word. I think that is so ignorant.

But you tell me what you see bad, and for me it's just as important to hear the bad things as the good things about my photos, otherwise I can not go further and do better.

On my screen it doesn't look over sharpened, but I don't know... perhaps it is, just that I can't see it? I have added a little bit of sharpening, but I do that with all photos that I resize otherwise they look blurry. But it's just so little, so I can't imagine that would look over sharpened? But if it does, I guess most of the photos I presentate here do.

Shadows... hm... perhaps to much... I took it in sunlight and tried to make it non-distracting.

Well well... thanks for your comment, and I promise you don't upset me! :-)


Linn Currie   {K:24426} 4/27/2004
Kriss, wonderful macro; sharp and rich in colour. So glad you will be here for another 365 days - I thoroughly enjoy your images and frank comments.


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 4/27/2004
This is a superb macro Kristina. The core of the flower is astonishing in it details. Great work. Cheers.


Subhash Sen Subhash Sen   {K:11931} 4/27/2004
Donation or no donation you have been fantastic & a pleasure to watch,wish you all the very best in life,cheers,Subhash.


Uwe Bachmann   {K:10222} 4/27/2004
wow, really great colours and the sharpness is briliant. i tried such a shot last sunday, too, but it was not half as good as this one, i am afraid.

so, we have to live with you and your photos for one more year. thank god....;-))

greetings, uwe


Lou Dina   {K:12194} 4/27/2004
Kristina, great color and saturation. I know how hard it can be to get good saturated reds and still maintain detail. You did that here. Nice work. Lou


edmond lisy   {K:10311} 4/27/2004
Full of details ~



Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 4/27/2004
CSodálatos macro!!!! nagyon jó ahogy virágporos a szirom!!


Rawabi Al-Nuaimi   {K:15659} 4/27/2004
great colors and cropping :)


Robert Currie   {K:3241} 4/27/2004
I like the rich royal colours, and this looks a bit like a crown (similar to your dad's!). I'm looking forward to your comments and images for another year :-)


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/27/2004
also tahnks for your beautiful presence!!!
I'm happy


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 4/27/2004
so a gorgeous "red".. intimate inside red...
I remember.. that is equal at mine tulip..!
always beautiful to see "great" that that is beautiful in the "its small" the strong light and the colors!


Chris Spracklen   {K:32552} 4/27/2004
It's good to know you'll be with us for another year, Kris!!
Your comments are always positive and encouraging, and your own pictures a delight to view!
This one's a fine example of your skill with a camera.
Here's to the next 365 days of images!
Kind regards, Chris


Ellen Havrilla   {K:8618} 4/27/2004
Beautiful macro, Christine, so sharp!
Great warm colors! Like it very much!
Happy new year! Cheers!


神 風 神 風   {K:10665} 4/27/2004
You're lucky Kriss the ratings have been turned off because I would have given you an 'HONEST' '5' instead of a 10/10 because while I like your effort and tribute ... I don't like the shadows, the non-sqaure format crop which it lend itself towards, and I don't think at all that it is very 'Naturally' sharp but over-sharpened instead ... Yes/No?

Please forgive me for being 'True To The Cause' as I will surely state that I do indeed like most of your work!

God Bless and I hope you will give me permission to visit you in the future - Best of Regards!


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 4/27/2004
So close that the lens touched the inner flower, excellent macro sharp details you can see the pollens, very original, beautiful work, Saeed the rating off line for maintenance,,you get,10/10


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 4/27/2004
Magnificent macro floral,Kriss,especially with a color-red-which is particularly difficult to render. Excellent cut and extreme sharpness in the center where it focused,the pistils,wonderful work,many congrats and kisses, Antonella


Amna Al Shamsi   {K:21795} 4/27/2004
Beautiful details and macro.


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 4/27/2004
Thankyou!! Haha... Carmem, I knoooow! My sister desperately wants an own camera, because as she explained it she loves that I take so many photos of her daughter but she hates to have to look at all my boring flower photos! :-D

You are so kind to me, Carmem! Really thanks for your support! :-))


Riny  Koopman   {K:19998} 4/27/2004
kristina,its so beautiful
regards riny


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 4/27/2004
What a hard work to "support" you and your awfull images, Kriss... :))
Another favorite.




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