Kev Rynne
{K:1110} 5/6/2004
It has the look of a Gardenia which has a strong ginger spice smell. Fantastic shot, great lighting. Regards kev.
{K:5381} 4/28/2004
That's definetely something completely different from your usual work. The lighting is really great. I wish I could do something like that.
Michael Alexander
{K:5293} 4/22/2004
Mr ppdix, I?m truly impressed! This is a really good photo, outstanding job! It sure is a few steps away from your usual but you?ve proven that you are not a one dimensional photographer. This would look perfect printed on that Kodak metal paper and a black frame and mat; you could ask big money for something like this at a show. Just a thought. Keep up the good work.
Getulio Melo
{K:6481} 4/22/2004
Very impressive image, Mr. Really different from usual but with great, comum, good taste. Congrats.
Getulio Melo
{K:6481} 4/22/2004
Very impressive image, Mr. Really different from usual but with great, comum, good tate. Congrats.
Ted vandenBergh
{K:5119} 4/21/2004
It is totally different and very well done, B&W in an double meaning. Beautiful picture.
Gino Quattrocchi
{K:39580} 4/21/2004
ero sicuro della capacitŕ di creare immagini ... lo spettacolo femminile che ci offri ogni giorno č solo una parte del tuo talento e dimostri di essere un grande artista e anche un romantico...beato te tra le donne ma anche fortunate loro a conoscere un uomo come te ciao grande Mr.ppdx gino
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 4/21/2004
absolutely beautiful P..
You can make anything look good!
:)Stace *7 & into faves!
{K:549} 4/21/2004
Great! Very impressive... you are the best, Mr. ;)
Joana Melo
{K:1020} 4/21/2004
beautiful picture! i like the light and the contrast between black and white!! Very well done! :)
Dan Lightner
{K:12684} 4/21/2004
Excellent lighting . I like the black and white very much this image stands on its own without color. Best regards Dan