Lucy Bernadette
{K:5806} 7/11/2004
and is this the prey trying to get away or the assassin finished with his deed?... i really like this series. like i said, it's like stills from a 1970's movie.
Murat Tanriover
{K:8387} 4/15/2004
Excellent B&W with extraordinary lighting. Love it.
Kosti 7even
{K:6328} 4/15/2004
strong light; a diagonal form; If I zoom in the convex mirror, will I see u? :) although neil's perspective correction is valid compositionally, symbolically I like it the way you shot it. that strong diagonal light from the left seems as if pushing the right to slant... I like it
{K:10691} 4/15/2004
interesting composition.compliments...walt.
Aris Michalopoulos / OsirisiS
{K:1916} 4/15/2004
"Your version" of the photo is very tight and strict as a composition. The perspective that a 35 lens gives doesn't bother me at all but anyway everything it's just a matter of personal taste. Thanx for your interesting comment. I really appreciated it. Greetings :-)
Neil Dolman
{K:26883} 4/15/2004
Hi Aris, very nice, strong abstract image. Well done. What troubled me a lttle, was the slight slant (perspective) on the right. I tried to correct this for you - what do you think? I like the lighting and the person in the right really adds interest in the frame. My compliments, Neil
stefan botez
{K:-597} 4/15/2004
I have a photo with the exact same title...actualy without the ->, never the less, mine has a diferent point ov view :P. Here I like the light, actualy the game, play betwen shadow and light, and the man's siluette beautifly caught there...I don't like the way u framed it... nevertheless it's a beautiful image.