Uwe Bachmann
{K:10222} 4/20/2004
sehr sehr gut...und nachträglich glückwunsch zum photographer of the day, wurde zeit denke ich...;-)
vg, uwe
Marta Pereyra
{K:5029} 4/18/2004
Well done! Great shadows and textures! I love it! Congrats, Marta
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 4/15/2004
@Michael, I got the point also with o instead of p ;))))
This talent is the reason for not starting with colours!
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 4/15/2004
lalaalalaalalaa lalall lal
thanks so much, it is a really great feeling to be presented in the front row for a while...
you my friend knows that feeling also, don't you?
I feel so grandly in the middle of so good friends!
The sculpture in this pic is made of metal not stone, or did you meant the stone of the floor?
In total there are standing two giants in front of each other, ready to fight... I visited it several times before I had the idea for the perfect shot.
Cheers, Verena
Michael Sean Fleming
{K:2267} 4/15/2004
Oops...meant to say superlative in the last comment.
Michael Sean Fleming
{K:2267} 4/15/2004
This is magnificent. the way the textures match eachother is striking. Your gift for selecting B&W sujects is suoerlative.
p.s. congratulations on being selected photographer of the day!
Telmo Domingues
{K:9639} 4/14/2004
Hi Verena!!!!!! PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE DAYYYYYYYY!!!! LAlalaaallaaa lalalalala lala llalalaala!!!!!! It was a question of time! I'm happy for you but I'm not surprised! About this photo... It's a wonderful play of light and shadows, volume, perspective... The natural grain is very effective, giving the image a texture that enhances the coldness of the stone... I Like it!
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 4/14/2004
steadfast, but nevertheless it seems to float in shadows :)
Verena Rentrop
{K:15233} 4/14/2004
@Hugo, the grainy effect is really doubled here, the sculpture is made of rusty steel, the floor has some grain itself & the grainy film used!
But I really like the effect...
If no one else is interested in this here, I'm so happy to see at least you on the same artistic thinking than me...
Take care, Verena
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 4/13/2004
Hi Verena,
Although the image looks quite grainy (might be the texture, though), I'm fascinated by the shadows. They form a very good curve from the lower left to the upper right, almost in perfect coherence to the vanishing points, indicated by the lines in the floor tiles. Outstanding capture of a very high artistic value. IMHO, no other words for it....;o)