Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 1/3/2005
when you san the neg on the flatbed..take out that white undercover....and sometimes you might gently have to tape down the edges of the neg because it curls sometimes. let me know when you post something ! hope it works..it will !!
Frank Becsi
{K:23} 1/3/2005
Thanks so much Bea! I too have the same scanner!
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 1/3/2005
hi again ! sure I'll share whatever in photography you want to know..just not my age..lol yes..I shoot both the Rollei and hassie. I have an epson 3200 scanner. instead of using the neg holders..I scan them flat on the flatbed. this way I can get the borders in to show I crop with my eye. the tinting..after grayscale in PS..I convert to RGB and add yellow and red to taste. sometimes a bit of blue. hope that helps...
Frank Becsi
{K:23} 1/3/2005
I have a question. I noticed you are using a Hasselblad and Rollie for your images. Are you doing your own scanning? If so, how are you including the edges of your film in your photographs? I also like the tinting? Would you mind sharing your secret with me?
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 1/3/2005
sweet dog ! thank you for your kind comments. and btw..love your saying.."cropping is for farmers"..lol
{K:16125} 3/31/2004
I have a greyhound mix that I adopted from the Sighthound Rescue...they are great dogs... she looks like she is doing yoga... lol
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 3/31/2004
Excellent image!