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Self- portrait
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Image Title:  Self- portrait
Favorites: 2 
 By: Carmem A. Busko  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Carmem A. Busko {Karma:48785}
Project #9 Pictures of Our Members Camera Model canon powershot A300
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio B&W
Lens canon
Uploaded 3/24/2004 Film / Memory Type digital iso 50
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1211 Shutter 1/15
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 67 Rating
/ 40 Ratings
Location City -  São Paulo
State -  SÃO PAULO
Country - Brazil   Brazil
About My "best angle" is behind a camera, not in front of one... but, last sunday, I decided to try... all comments will be appreciated.
PS duotone, no tripod,exposure compensation -1/3
shutter speed 3.6 aperture 1/3 , (hey UF, these options are not possible bellow..), no flash, no make-up either...

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There are 67 Comments in 1 Pages
Riccardo De Matteis   {K:1485} 9/15/2005
much sweeter than the heading one


Anton Ndreca   {K:305} 5/24/2005
You look beautiful


Judi Liosatos Judi Liosatos   {K:34047} 1/8/2005
Beautiful self portrait Carmem. I am pleased to meet you.



João F * Photography João F * Photography   {K:41945} 10/23/2004
Você é muito muito bonita ,esta foto e todas as outras do seu portofólio também o são e transmitem um carisma muito especial e uma pureza singular.prarbéns...


Todd Broadbent   {K:2204} 9/4/2004
It seems you have many friends. I know nothing of biology and after looking at your portfolio, apparently nothing of photography either... Beautiful work. I am moved. Magnifique!


Rildo Democh Arantes   {K:461} 6/28/2004
belo retrato. parabens


Alberto Calheiros   {K:2647} 6/4/2004
Parabéns pelo excelente portfolio!
Uma delicia este retrato!


claudio amato claudio amato   {K:-66} 5/28/2004
You are fantastic Carmen!!!


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 5/20/2004
Carmen, Hello nice to meet you
Thanks for comments my Gate.
I was many time in Brasil on visit my Daughter, she live in the Near of RECIFE
Regards Teunis


Roberta Barbosa   {K:574} 5/9/2004
Carmem vc nao me conhece hehehehe
Estou por aqui tambem.
Bem essa foto esta limpa e LINDISSIMA.
Continue CLicando.
Roberta Barbosa.


Ozjan Yeshar Ozjan Yeshar   {K:15239} 5/2/2004
Very charming portrait is sepia mood Carmem. Cheers.


has fotografiado a la mas bella de las flores.


sunrise    {K:6651} 4/17/2004
Obrigada pelos seus comentarios e incentivo
E parabens...alem de um ar sereno e feliz ??e lindissima
Abraços portuguses


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 4/14/2004
Hi there Carmem!!
Nice to meet you!!!
You look is really comparable to italian beauty...
My best compliements
Thank you for your kinds comments to my're really kind


Valter de Castro   {K:4079} 4/14/2004
Bom dia.... voce é linda. abraços valter


Cary Shaffer   {K:9269} 4/12/2004
Carmen, I was bowsing my portfolio and cam across your comment. It's always interesting to see who is peeking about. I Like your self portrait, first it is an excelletn photo, even with ut assistance, and second, you look wonderful, even without makeup! I love your spiritand look forward to seeing more of you, Cary


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 4/10/2004
Um prazer em te ver. Obrigado por comentar meus humildes e incipientes esforços em fotografar e parabéns pelas belíssimas fotos novas. J. Borges


Gabriele Pfund   {K:11745} 4/9/2004
:-0 ... Oh, oh ... better late than never... ;)
Late(r)... I realized that you were talking about the frame I added...!! ... and I was thinking about the frame of the picture in itself, especially the right side... :))... which was one of the reasons for me to add a black frame... but maybe that was not the best choice...
Thank you again, and I wish you Happy Easter *
My best regards :)


Gabriele Pfund   {K:11745} 4/8/2004
Hello Carmem,
I don't agree with you!! Your "angle" in front of a camera is also best...!!! This is a wonderful self portrait... The lighting is excellent, the toning very nice, and I love your expression. You are a beautiful person :)
Thank you very much for your recent comment! You are right, the framing is dark; but this perspective was only possible at this point and I didn't want to use flash... First I was not content with the pic because of the dark frame, but after all I thought it's ok, cause it reflects quite well the atmosphere there, which was too dark for my taste, and a bit strange also... ;)
Thank you very much and have a nice day *
Best Regards :)


WALT MESK   {K:10691} 4/4/2004
a good are very very nice.walt.


Pedro Libório Pedro Libório   {K:53861} 4/3/2004
muito prazer!!!!
está lindo esse seu retrato!!!


Peggy Christine Skinner Peggy Christine Skinner   {K:26936} 4/3/2004
What a natural beauty! I love the way the light is caught on your hair enhancing the silkiness. Lovely expressive eyes and gentle smile. The duotone is excellent and perfect framing.


Stephen Smith   {K:861} 4/2/2004
Lovely portrait Lovely model! Regards Steve.


Jiri Gregor   {K:759} 4/2/2004
Nice Carmem, nice photo. Jiri.


Leonardo Bosnia   {K:4053} 4/1/2004
Hi carmen... nice to meet you...

Excellent shot for an excellent MODEL ;) !!!


Mauro  Mauro     {K:5884} 3/31/2004
Congratulations for your self-portrait and for your beauty. Bye, Mauro.


Rafal K. Komierowski   {K:6441} 3/31/2004
Carmen, pleasure to meet you! You are wonderful person. Great portrait with lovely face expression. Friendly regards, Rafal


Ian Crean   {K:14866} 3/31/2004
Well Carmem, I would say you don't need any make up there, very nice and natural self portrait. Your toning treatment reflects the strength and warmth of personality very evident in your face.
Nice to meet you in the pixels!


B:)liana    {K:30945} 3/31/2004
You look like me in a way ;-) for the eyes and shyness in them. ;-) Thank you
KIss, biliana


Antonella Nistri   {K:21867} 3/31/2004
HI Carmen,very pleased to meet you!! Thank you very much for your kind comment and browsing through your portfolio I found a really good job!
My warmest congratulations!!! Antonella


Bradley Prue Bradley Prue   {K:30678} 3/30/2004
Beautiful tones, excellent pose & smile! You are as stunning as your wonderful work!


Márcio Costa   {K:2150} 3/29/2004
Carmem, soube produzir muito bem este auto-retrato, sei o quanto é difícil fazer um. Muito boa a escolha do tom e sua expressão fascinante.


Jose Vladimir   {K:602} 3/28/2004
Olá Carmem. agradeço pelos comentarios em meu portfolio, belas palavras.

Este retrato ficou uma beleza, tanto a arte como a madelo...parabéns! :)


Marcia . Marcia .   {K:16108} 3/28/2004
Linda foto Carmen... Parabéns e prazer em conhecê-la! Ao menos aqui...
Um abraço, Márcia.


Sun Shine Sun Shine   {K:6225} 3/27/2004
Querida Carmem,

Prazer em conhecê-la!!!

Lindo retrato e vc é linda!

Não estou me dando nada bem com este novo formato do site...e por isso demorei em é que voltei!



Rodrigo Bari   {K:285} 3/27/2004
Gostei mto do duotone, enquadramento e principalmente da expressão!

A exposição está mto boa tb com os detalhes no cabelo!

Acho q vc fica bem na frente tb!



Stefan Engström   {K:24473} 3/26/2004
Very nice natural portrait.


Saeed Al Shamsi Saeed Al Shamsi   {K:47735} 3/26/2004
Now we know the great photographer,lovely portrait and tone,Saeed


Alexey Sapa   {K:27174} 3/25/2004
nice to see you!!! Lovely portrait, Carmem! My best wishes! Alexey


In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 3/25/2004
I have seen sooo many comments previously, that self pics... are difficult... however you appears that you have done well... the complimentary side light... the whisps of hair... and a pleasing smile... with very good tone!


Jeff Cartwright   {K:52046} 3/25/2004
My, A Self Portrait, Very nice Photograph! that we can all appreciate Meeting You, Bravo Carmem!
Best Regards:
Ps: I am pleased that after all the Usefilm changes, it is a pleasure to be able to keep in touch!.....Jeff!!!


john amore   {K:14015} 3/25/2004
well its very nice to meet you I a fan of your all the best John


Kristina Kohut   {K:49990} 3/25/2004
Wonderful photo, Carmem! You look great, and the tones add a really interesting mood! So nice to meet you! :-))


Gino  Quattrocchi   {K:39580} 3/25/2004
Carmen !! sei una donna bellissima.con occhi magnifici e capelli incantevoli e un sorriso dolcissimo..sei una grande fotografa ma anche una fantastica modella
un grosso bacio dall'Italia, e sono onorato di conoscerti


Salvo Valenti   {K:17038} 3/25/2004


Rob Ernsting Rob Ernsting   {K:8899} 3/25/2004
Nice to meet you Carmen, charming. The exposure is very well done with nice details also in the darker parts. Very good work. Regards, Rob.


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 3/25/2004
Excellent portrait, great choise of tone.!!!
Best regards.


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 3/25/2004
Hi Carmem.I'm happy know you.You are a nice woman,and yours self portrait is been made very well and with beautiful tones.


Randy Lorance Randy Lorance   {K:24769} 3/24/2004
Nice to see you Carmem! This is a very nice photo. The toning you used is great. Now that Use film is getting back up to speed, I hope to catch back up on comments and checking out friends photos. Keep up the good work(play).......Randy


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 3/24/2004
Great shot, nice tonight, and very nice to meet you, Carmem! Welcome to Usefilm!! I agree this site is a constant inspiration to go out and do better with every shot I take.


John Orban   {K:725} 3/24/2004
Great to be able to attach a face to a name...and a nice face at that!


Jorge Vasconcelos   {K:33746} 3/24/2004
Muito bela ,esta foto,Carmen.A expressão é o must desta bela uma fotografa com charme.


Antonio Fonseca   {K:2666} 3/24/2004
E eu não poderia deixar de vir aqui admirar suas fotos e ter esta bela surpresa. Você!


Ana Vianna   {K:15270} 3/24/2004
Ihhh, amiga, você é muito bonita!!! O retrato (trabalho) está muito bem feito! Lindo tom!


Kees and Carolyn    {K:15193} 3/24/2004
Beautiful portrait! Great shot!


Teunis Haveman Teunis Haveman   {K:53426} 3/24/2004
Hello Carmem, nice to meet you.
Thanks for comments to my sailboat
I visit Brasil the last 10 years .
In the near of Recife
One of our daughters is living there
Regards teunis


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 3/24/2004
it is a pleasure to meet you Carmen even in this virtual way :) it is a very great portrait!


Murilo Rafael de Souza   {K:19577} 3/24/2004
Carmem, você é muito bonita! Gotei de ti conhecer. Foi um prazer!


V M   {K:-1400} 3/24/2004
nice portrait shot


Alan Armanini   {K:5407} 3/24/2004
Very Beautiful Portrait, and Model!!!
Wonderful Work.


Hugo de Wolf Hugo de Wolf   {K:185110} 3/24/2004
Hi Carmen, Very good selfportrait. Nice to meet you. I like your smile and happy expression. Good work!




Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 3/24/2004
Grata, Maurizio!


Carmem A. Busko   {K:48785} 3/24/2004
Grata, Maurizio!


Murat Tanriover   {K:8387} 3/24/2004
Nice seeing you Carmem. Great light.


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 3/24/2004
very good portrait!!!


dkay b.   {K:138} 3/24/2004
i think you are beautiful too - AND without makeup! excellent. very strong.


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 3/24/2004
se sei tu ,sei bellissima..cosi come e bellala foto..ottimo portrait




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