Jeroen Wenting
{K:25317} 3/9/2004
The reason the cameras didn't catch the red sun was because of the low light they overexposed it to compensate. I think I have a shot with a reddish sun somewhere, but that leads to the foreground becoming silhouetted.
Digital cameras are notoriously bad at shots like that, you want film with relatively high exposure latitude to get decent results (plus knowing to ignore the camera meter and a mental picture of what to expect).
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 3/8/2004
Gorgeous colours, beautiful composition The lighting is superb and makes this image lovely and soft, creating a very pleasant atmosphere. Such a fantastic capture, Helen! I love it
Titia Geertman
{K:5582} 3/8/2004
Isn't it strange that the moon actually was real red when it came out and none of the camera's seem to be able to catch that. Or is it just the digital camera that is unable to catch that red colour.
I like the atmosphere and the high grass in front. Well, actually I like the whole photo.
{K:10691} 3/8/2004
molto molto bella,la sua forza sono gli steli in primo piano.walt.
Renaux Loran
{K:323} 3/8/2004
superb moment,great capture with beautiful tones;good work.
David Sheyn
{K:1073} 3/8/2004
good use of minimal depth of field