You are so... unespected!... When night comes and sit here, travelling around the world, with my friends eyes, I always ask my self - What have I missed when I watched the world today? And I always learn a lot... With you I learn the secrets of light and what's behind the objects, lines and shapes... I figure how they are simple and beauty, and how they fit in my world...
No need to apologise! Burnouts can be quite effective, and this is definately one of those occasions, Verena! It makes the metal almost feel tangible, and I like this shot.... Please, don't take my comments personal, I'm just trying to express what I see and notice..... Beautiful shadow play, and a very intreguing shot. The cropped composition is very effective, and it emphasises the geometry and play of light and shadows. Very well done!
my commentary nr. 10 000 goes to missis rentrop :) sehr fein ohne das ganz ohne faxen: das abstrakte im konkreten zu finden ist schon schwer genug, aber es so gut auch zeigen zu können (was quäl ich mich damit ab, ab&zu), verrät eine gewisse scharfsicht, imho