Lee, I have been studying the movement of light for the last 14 years. In the studio I fire the studio lights and have trained myself to watch how the light travels and how it falls on the subject. It helps me to visualize the shot before I ever take it. I'm still in training, don't think you ever run out of things to learn. Try using a small flashlight on a subject in the dark and see all the different shadows you can create... It will amaze you. Thank you for your comment. Ireally appreciate it.
The evenness of your lighting here to me is awesome. There is a talent in this type of a photo. Perhaps only after one has tried to capture this type of a image may they learn the respect for it. I have tried, you'll notice I have none in my portfolio, there's a good reason for this. I failed. Best Regards Lee
They might not get excited by figureens but you and I both know good photography when we see it. Thanks for sharing yours, looks great and I like the lighting too...
Hi!,,,Ron: Excellent Closeup of Figurine! Composition, and Lighting Presentation!!! Best Regards: Jeff. Alberta, Canada. I don't think People Get Very excited, with Figurines, as with My Photograph Below: