Ray Heath
{K:4559} 2/22/2004
hi Bjorn, you have all the elements, you just need to relax & this will relax your model, her pose is too rigid & overall the shot seems too unreal
consider less light & more use of reflectors larger aperture to blur background more repoire with model avoid unncessary cropping
charlie f. kohn
{K:25919} 2/22/2004
dear bjorn, i don't know what you are heading at with this but i so far had the clear impression that you are good at what you have been doing. she is pretty, maybe she even likes to pose, but she cannot. and as you describe, the setup is more than deploreable. if you are using such b/g you should not screw your pictures by such small aperture. you need to open up for setting off the b/g. and then, look for a friendly, open, angry, aggressive, sexy or whatever rapport with your model. play the music she likes best or doesn't like at all. that will give you reactions you can capture! i am sorry to be so harsh but you have to try again and one more time to get going with this. kind regards charlie.f.kohn@sixpence-pictures.com // madrid
Bjorn Beheydt
{K:12096} 1/30/2004
Elangs, you know I appreciate your comments very much (as well as I appreciate other people's comments), so please, feel free to say that I made a mistake, even to say that you think a picture is totally bad. I agree with you, the cropping is bad, I agree with all the others here too.. the foot should've been included, that is the reason why it took me so long before I posted this one, because I don't really consider it one of my best either.
Elangovan S
{K:10675} 1/29/2004
I m gonna echo Matej... With all these 3 submissions... you made some obvious mistakes, can I say so... with your croppings. Just a week ago you had a question about the cropping... and here you go... wondering why!
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 1/28/2004
Of the three shot, I prefer this one. The model looks more relaxed and has a beautiful, more self-secure expression on her face. The lighting is good. My only remark is that I think it's a shame that you din't include her left foot in picture. Nevertheless, I think this is a good shot and the rating is pretty low!
Jamie Ferguson
{K:6284} 1/28/2004
While a very nice pose you might want to keep an eye out for locked joints like her elbows and try to get her to relax a little more and not lock them fully. The foot as already mentioned is distracting but not overly. I like the pose and the lighting seems a tad better than the first shot.
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 1/28/2004
The light is very flat on your model, and with her blonde hair it really loses detail. I want to see the whole foot as well.. as her stretched out leg leads your eye down it, but then the frame ends before you get to the foot.
sandy c. hopkins
{K:17107} 1/28/2004
nice photo, but i would have liked to see more of the foot...
i think it takes a bit away from the full focus of the photo.. nice lighting though..and pose.. :)
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 1/28/2004
Hmmm... It probably won't come as a surprise that I like this pose as well :-) But why the cropped foot? Where were you looking? ;-)