Eddie Bayliss
{K:2130} 2/23/2004
great reflection!!gives me a few ideas
Best regards Eddie
Rocco T
{K:4130} 2/21/2004
Very well done and composed. congrats!
Per-Arne Andersson
{K:705} 2/9/2004
Nice contrast between trees and windows. The reversed reflection to !
Malin Kristinadottir
{K:956} 2/4/2004
& what a wonderful, wide walk - my eyes like!!! /Malin
Tiffany .
{K:343} 2/3/2004
Ein wunderschönes beeindruckendes bild, wircklich gut
Simona Alexe
{K:470} 1/30/2004
superb!!! your entire work is interesting!!! Congrats!
{K:16125} 1/27/2004
Very nice I have enjoyed looking at your portfolio....very creative work....Well done..
miguel marchand2
{K:200} 1/22/2004
thats an amazing shot!!!!
bur is
{K:1596} 1/22/2004
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 1/21/2004
perfect BW photo
Marusnik Bela
{K:11611} 1/21/2004
Excellent shot, it is artistic composition with mirror effect.Congrats!
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 1/21/2004
fantastic composition!!!!!!! best regards
Katia Cutrone
{K:12940} 1/21/2004
I hardly find where the first reflection begins and then I see the second, and both are almost perfect, as real...I love reflection's "Spiel"...as we say in german.
(Glad to seduce you anytime! ;D )
Val .
{K:4973} 1/21/2004
Fabio this exact look on a cityscape ... full new dimenzions (glass, metal, reflection) and trees as old school ;-) and We as victim or creators?! ;-))
very good!
Jaap Poot
{K:7926} 1/20/2004
beautifull reflection,very nice picture
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 1/20/2004
good !
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 1/20/2004
very good effect !
nada :
{K:384} 1/20/2004
durch den bildtitel läßt es sich loopen. fabio. dann wachsen die bäume auch wieder gen erde.
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 1/20/2004
Hello Fabiosky. so glad about the sunshine thing! thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!! We say GREEN with envy, not yellow! do they say yellow in Austria? Every country its says eh? Like in Italy we "touch iron" and here in UK they touch "wood" to dispel bad luck. Often in Italy they touch their balls as well. Which puts us ladies at a disadvantage. Usual discrimination. Anyway, this image is very much a Fabio thing, like all of them actually.
{K:30945} 1/20/2004
~Lovely reflections !
{K:32791} 1/20/2004
a perfect deam - fave...
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 1/20/2004
I feel like I am a little potted plant looking out of the greenhouse... and I love what I see, tastes like fertilizer and it makes my flowers grow :)
Michael Holm
{K:7931} 1/20/2004
Nice Image ...Cold but very NICE... Mike
Mikael Leijon
{K:2224} 1/20/2004
Nice reflection, great captured! /Mikael
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 1/19/2004
sky trotting - really relaxing me on a bummed out morning
In Transit
{K:29432} 1/19/2004
I suppose one could call this a 'double-whamy' or what-ever... but the accuracy of the reflection is indeed impressive!
Ulf Fågelhammar
{K:10975} 1/19/2004
Geometry and nature Interesting reflections floor and ceiling heaven and earth /U
Ray Heath
{K:4559} 1/19/2004
beautiful, surreal, abstract and graphic, great range of tones
lavendu ...
{K:4882} 1/19/2004
als die baeume noch in den himmel wuchsen, fraktal filigran wie dill und hirtentäschelkraut, als es noch keinen rechten winkel gab ...
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 1/19/2004
Turn it around and we could be made to believe that this is a reflection in the ground :-)
Sonia ~
{K:2128} 1/19/2004
Wonderful work Fabio!
Rhonda Prince
{K:17687} 1/19/2004
Skywards, the best way to walk, I'm told!
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 1/19/2004
Very nice..love the way you captured the reflection of the trees...well done.........
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 1/19/2004
me gusta mucho el mundo patas arriba