Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 1/22/2004
p.s. hey THANK YOU :) Please post it for me please please please.... I LOVE it!!! Promise me you will ;P
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 1/22/2004
You were in Munich? makes me smile... you know I live in Munich. This image puts a big grin on my face, really love it... lots of things come to mind, I have the feeling I can hear them talking.
Great idea for the crop by the way :)
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 1/21/2004
Hi, Rawabi! Very interesting shot! Format/framing works well according the title... My best wishes! ALexey
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 1/20/2004
The tight crop creates a wonderul and strong perspective, it really gives the sense of path of life, the two subjects are very beautiful too, only it has a strange look, it seems reworked in PS with a solarization effect and it sounds a bit unreal in my opinion. Bye Max
c c
{K:13449} 1/19/2004
I like and appreciate your perspective! Great job! Charisse
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 1/19/2004
very intresting look. great job on this. very artistic. composition is really good
M. Tigrek
{K:2298} 1/19/2004
nice work,nice composition. (triming of original shot is also nice) Regards. M.Tigrek
M. Tigrek
{K:2298} 1/19/2004
nice work,nice composition. (triming of original shot is also nice) Regards. M.Tigrek
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 1/18/2004
this is the original shot.. i love the tall composition.. makes it kinda dramatic :)
Robert Walls
{K:1728} 1/18/2004
Nice picture that tells a story and yes I thought it had an infra red film look too.
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 1/18/2004
I like your "weird case" as you call it! It gave very interesting light and feeling! I think everything is wonderful, but I'm having problems with accepting this tall thin composition... My fingers are itching, and I want to crop from top and bottom... but I guess that would make a to small photo. ;-)
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 1/18/2004
Cool format and treatment Rawabi. This would be fine on a wall, 4ft tall.
Rawabi Al-Nuaimi
{K:15659} 1/18/2004
i was just playing around with the curves and got this result... it's not infrared.. just weird case of brightness and contrast! ;-)
{K:5655} 1/18/2004
Is this infrared? I'm not seeing shadows, but the image is very interesting. The two girls can be interpretted as the same person at different ages. Nice work.