Rima Dario
{K:4427} 1/12/2006
Complimenti. Ciao.
Namrata Chattaraj
{K:244} 1/26/2004
Love the lighting and perspective on this one! Thanks for all ur comments on my stuff :) Cheers, Namrata
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 1/16/2004
Tom... I think the explanation for the odd tone on the arches relates to how the bridge is lit. If you reference my Golden Span photo you'll see the one large spot light. There was one behind me as well for a total of 2 where I was standing. There are two more on the otherside of the road to my left and then another four on the opposite side of the span. That puts 8 large and intense lights on the tower. With my long exposure you see the intensity much more at the top than you do at the bottom due to these lights. Also adding to this is my extreme upward view. The underside of the arches get a lot more direct lighting. This is my educated guess... thanks to everyone for your kind remarks.
Tom Pokusa
{K:586} 1/15/2004
Jim, I really enjoy your compositional style. You have again used an unorthodox angle, but you manage to make it very balanced and interesting. As pointed out earlier, the lighting on the arch looks a little off. But, it is still very interesting.
Ari O
{K:990} 1/15/2004
Interesting perspective, but detail and tones get lost due to the overly high contrast...
Anyway, Jim, I was surprised my WTC image got so many views but absolutely no comments! So, I reposted it pleading for comments. But it was not a PS-type blend but an actual in-camera double exposure. So, recently I recolorized the towers to eliminate the blue tint from that exposure. In fact, I also did a gradient contrast mask reblend to further enhance the contrast. Also, in a previous exhibition era, this image won numerous acceptances in a number of photo competitions and was published in 1989 in an article I wrote about photographing the WTC Towers.

David Stevens
{K:803} 1/15/2004
Jim-this is a very artistic and creative view of a spot photographed by millions of people but yet seems so original. Outstanding work from an impressive portfolio-keep clicking.
Harry Eggens
{K:14804} 1/15/2004
Great multiple diagonal composition and viewing angle Jim. Wonderful warm light and colors. Excellent exposure. Looks like an abstract architecture image. Beautiful work....Best regards Harry
Eduardo Bernardes
{K:8999} 1/15/2004
Very beuatiful photo. Great colours and angle. Excellent work! Congrats, Eduardo
Marcos Duarte
{K:15402} 1/15/2004
Very good color and composition. Great expression Congrat. Marcos
Ellen Havrilla
{K:8618} 1/15/2004
Excellent!! A very interesting view! Regards Ellen
Ghada Noman
{K:3016} 1/15/2004
I think its a cool shot! light and prespective are great. The Golden gate is the most beautiful bridg i have ever seen!
Emanuele Calvagno
{K:14353} 1/15/2004
fine and interesting shot very beautiful lighting